

25. Dimitri's a monster
Mia's P.O.V

"Mia I would let you know I would not hide or sugar coat anything for you" he said while looking at the ceiling.

"Ok tell me" I adjusted myself. I rested my back on the couch and I took my hair out of the ponytail. Something tells me this is going to be a long story.

"Ok it all started when Dimitri's mother passed and she left him the castle. I came from the demon world over into the supernatural world with my brothers to attend the funeral. When everyone returned home I chose to stay back with Dimitri.

I knew even though he said he was alright he was in pain and I wanted to comfort him. He was my older brother and I hated to see him in pain. In my time staying with him he was treating the vampires like shit he had become a monster since his mother passed.

I confronted him and I told him he's treating his people like animals and it isn't right I also told him that his mother would never want this, back then I was weak and because he was older and stronger he took out all his anger on me he beated me badly and I forgive him he was in pain after all.

He still didn't change after that he would kill without reason he even earned the name the dark king his people would tremble in his presence they would do anything to make him happy some people would give him their daughters as gifts just so they would be in his good graces.

I could not stand to see him treat his people that way so I left for the human world and that's when I met her. I carried her back to the supernatural world when I thought it was time for her to meet everyone.

Dimitri was the first to meet her and then my brothers and father came over to the supernatural world to visit so that they could meet her.

So a couple of months later she broke up with me and went with Dimitri. A year later she married him. She said she was in love and I should stop trying to get her back because she's getting married.

Anyways you know that story but you want to know what pushed me off the edge not tht she left me and got pregnant and gave him kids and all that what got me off the edge was the fact that when she gave birth to her last son Dimitri killed her.

Like why marry her, turn her, have kids with her, make a life with her just to kill her and you know what burns me inside out everyone thinks she died from another man's hands.

He never told his kids he killed her and after that he went on killing people pretending to be angry because someone killed his loving wife.

I then attacked him. I wanted to kill him. He was the devil, maybe he still is but when I attacked him father was upset and he told me I would never set my foot back into the demon world only when I'm dead.

I hate Dimitri because I did nothing wrong yet I'm being punished I can never go back to the demon world even if I wanted to go against my father and sneak in I can't because father took away my powers to cross over to the demon world and all my brothers hate me because they think I'm evil and I'm a troublemaker.

I hope you believe me because everything I told you is the truth. I'm not known for lying and that's why Dimitr was conflicted when I made that lie about you sleeping with me.

Mia I'm not evil just misunderstood. Yes I love trouble and drama and I'm a bit fucked up in the head but Dimitri Is the real devil.

Ace was a bit fucked up to Dimitri murdered her parents because her father stole blood from the castle to feed his family I was so sorry for her I took her in I build a house for her and paid a lady to take good care of her until she was of age and that's when I took her back to the human world an I met my girlfriend that time to I left Ace in the human world and returned with her.

That's it you can stop crying and you can leave now I would never try to harm you again I realized I was wrong I would never forgive Dimitri for what he did but I would not make him turn me into a monster like him and Mia watch yourself my brother has a lot of enemies and being with him would not be easy there would be people who would try to hurt you to hurt him.

Like look what I did I mess with you to get to him so that should let you know what you're in for. I'm not asking for your forgiveness but I hope one day we can be friends.

Ok I think the Mabain have worn off but I'm still a bit tired goodbye Mia you know where I'm at If you want to chat"

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