

catch the suspect
peace valley is a beautiful city. All the people's in that peace vally were happy. People's were enjoying their work at peace vally. It was a crime-free city for 18 years.peace vally Being a city without any problems,there is a lot of employment in industry sector and commercial sector so People's all started coming to this peace vally from other countries.Crime started to increase as peoples came.Little by little peace vally changes as a crime vally city. It goes like this in peace vally, The first murder fell on this city . A body came floating in a lake.The body was bound as if it could not escape in lake. The people's of that lake take the dead body and inform the police department . The police department investigating the body founded in that lake. When the dead body is finished researching,He died of suffocation.The dead person was tortured before death. This case turns out to be a very important case. and sensitive case. Because this is the first murder case in peace vally. so only police involved In this case none other private detective not allowed to investigate this case. As this case should be closed quick before people panic about this case and safety of the people's in peace vally , so the police department started investigating seriously. First they find out who the dead person is, his name was victor . victor age was 28 . victor was working in garment industry. so police investigated the garment industry workers, owner, staff about victor. those workers said ,Victor is a person who came here from another country in search of work.The workers said Victor had no enemies.Victor stayed in this company's hostel( room provided for workers who working in company) for two years.in the last 6 months victor went out to city hotel room. and started coming to work. so police asked to the workers " why he was staying in hotel 6month any reason " , workers said I don't know anything sir . victor was introvert person. he don't share about his life.so the police asked the hotel name victor staying . the name was SK HOTEL. SK HOTEL was budget friendly hotel in peace vally. most of the family's staying in this hotel. so the police asked about victor in that hotel. hotel manager said. " Victor wanted to get married, so he started going to many places and looking for women to get married and finallyVictor stayed at the hotel with his girl friend Laura. They said that they are going to get married soon. now They have been missing for the past month.so the police asked Laura phone number Or any identity xerox Or photo of Laura. but unfortunately they have no information or identity about Laura. but they have all the identity about victor. so the hotel management gave victor mobile number. unfortunately that mobile number was landline number was belongs to the garment industry. so the police don't have any solid evidence or proof about victor.so The police lost interest in the case.so the lack of police involved in case.Crime in the city of peace vally has increased. insurance fraud, scamming fraud, fake lottery scam, card game scam, illegal item sells, local gangs fight have started. If this situation continues, people will not stay in our city, The entire police department worked to ensure security in the city peace vally. Little by little, people are safely going out to work. The city itself was just as busy of work. Just like that, the people and the police started to forget this case. and this case became cold 🥶case ( unsolved) . Years passed and the peoples of the city saw the case as a curse. Because no one could solve the city's first murder case. But those people don't know that this case can't end like this.They don't know that the game begins after this. peace vally It has been 25 years since the city started. It has been 5 years since the cold case has unsolved. The people of that city were celebrating their 25th anniversary. People's go to sleep after celebrating 25th anniversary of peace vally city. So people thought that day was a normal day and went to their work. So those people finish work and go home and sleep after work. the next day morning people's saw the peace vally news channel in their tv. an unknown person was murdered and tied up . the dead body was found in the lake. The same pattern as in the old case was also present in this body. It was then that the police and the people thought that it was not over yet.People feared it was a serial killing.No one knows who is doing this. because peace vally doesn't have any security camera in city side. the security camera have only main place like bank, police station, atm, parking, airport, railway station, bus station etc. but the murder( the body) was founded in the lake side (village side) . That is why it is not known who is doing the murder. then police department allows an private detective or detective agency can investigate this case with police permission is allowed. Then someone else comes in the of police station . ask about the old case . police asked the person who are you? he said my name is clark ,i am a private detective in peace vally. i am looking for an case no 1( murder case) . so the police give case book 📕 copy to clark. clark was curious person to solve any problem. to give solution to any case. clark solved the fake insurance claims case and some local cases from public , so clark noted the announcement in news paper.private detective allowed to investigate the case . so the clark going to police station and asked about case. it is not easy to solve this case because the case has no proper evidence. but how he solve the case ? or again this case was going to cold case? or curse myth was broken for peace vally? let see

by sathish ✨😇
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