

Love is a beautiful thing.. hmm yeah everyone says so.. yeah love is a very beautiful thing, but there are times where you can feel; love is hard, love is trouble, love is irritating, love is full of problems.

Ofcourse when one is loving a guy or a girl, then problem is obvious, hardship is also there, you might face alot of problems. Still if you face it, if you over come the struggle if you prove that your love cannot be destroyed with any struggle then that is where you call it true love.. that is where you can say it is beautiful.. that is where you can shout to the world that you found your true love.. and also you can know what true love is.

What is love? a most common question asked by many people all around. And don't just say that love is a beautiful feelng, yeah but say love is a combination of several feelings. Feelings like; anger, hatred, care, friendship, sometimes heartbreaks, jokes, possessiveness, jealousy, fights, trust and most importantly love. With all these feelings love becomes beautiful, love becomes nice, love becomes awesome, many successful love stories have gone through many difficulties.. therefore do not end ur relationship just due to small issues.. keep going.. be one of the beautiful love story one day.
© Amyy