The girl that screamed for help
She was emotionally and physically damaged she had a hard time with everything that she became very depressed. She would cry herself to sleep every night and she was always in pain she didn't want to feel anymore so she closed herself off from people and she would pretend that she was happy but in reality she wasn't. Then her emotional and phycial pain got so bad that she started to harm herself because it made her feel better she never tried to keep it a secret it was visable and some saw most didn't and if they did they would just ignore it. One day she decided that she couldn't live this way anymore so she told her dad about it so she could get some help so she talked to her doctor about it all and told her that she wanted to kill herself so the doctor said she would call her school so she can get a meeting with a therapist at her school but months later nothing changed so at her next doctor appointment she told her she never got a therapist and she said that she would make a call to a actual place with therapists so she was just waiting then months and months passed by and nothing happened so she had to deal with it on her own and she can only hope eventually she will get better on her own.
© toxichurt
© toxichurt