

On call: living in the underworld (ch. 3)
Investigations were going on and it was later found out that the neighboring kingdom had not called for their medical attention. It was also found out that their vehicle had not gone that way.
The authorities started questioning anyone and everyone close to them. Everybody answered that they were on call.
They tried and tried to find any leads but there was none. They made up many theories which would have made sense if not for one question - if they were not on call where were they headed.
Since there was no answer to this, the case was tagged as a mystery case. There was nothing they could do.
As for Rukky, her wild days were over. She lived behind the shadows. She hardly came out, she didn't speak unless spoken to.
She later got over her parents death as the years went by. But no matter how her dear aunt and uncle tried, they could never get Rukky back.