

Delicate Conversations: Your Existence Is Enough,
A man once told me,
With concern in his eyes,
Knowing he conformed
To patterns of speeches
That dictated his life.

He promised himself
He would help whoever
Uttered the spells
That kept him blind.

I said to me..

".. What If I told you
deception starts with
'I just want to be happy'
For happiness is not the key
To fulfillment, Nor truth.

he looked away,
drawn into a realm of reminisce,
reflecting on a life lived,
certain things would've been different.

"Isn't it not so
I can be happy in lies,
Drunk on what it provides,
Immersed in bliss
Being content as long
As it benefits my life...
giving purpose to my smile,
why would is be deceptive
to feel again....
to be alive

they... are... lies.."

He looked down in disappointment,
like he relived a moment in time,
where ignorance was truly bliss,
and betrayal was a heavy hit.

"So why
do we thrive
for a feeling
That we must daily choose"

He said as an attempt to remain on track,
to stick to his revelation
that broke his reality,
but reaped meaning in the end.

is the biggest lie the devil
Gave as something worth aspiring for.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Why do people who actually
Fight for the lives that they want,
Experience all they need to to be something of worth,
Still utter the same words
As a man who doesn't have much..

'I just want to be happy'

While kids live in that reality by choice?
They fall, they get up, they cry
They learn, the list goes on
But happiness they never thrive to be.
They just be...

But when you feed them with a lie
That happiness is attached to things,
Attached to dreams,
Attached to people worth loving,
Attached to an identity...
You kill them before they get to live..
when the pursuit of happiness has birth many ugly things..

I've seen kids with no shoes
Running bear feet,
Laughing and enjoying the breeze..
While those who have plenty
Yearn for such a thing...

Kids traumatised by war,
Dancing in the street,
Although their hearts are broken
It doesn't keep them from singing..
But those who have roofs over their head,
Food available to eat,
Never seen war but on a screen..
Live saddened by their own existence.
such a tragedy don't you think?

You might say I'm insensitive,
But bear with me..
Happiness is a choice..
It's all about perspective..

Trust me.. what you feel is what you feel,
But if you never discover inner peace before anything arrives nothing will satisfy you..
Because there will always be another high
To obtain the happiness you seek.

And when it is all gone..
what will become of you then??

So it's based on acquisition
And not a deep Rooted belief..

That your existence is enough,
And anything added doesn't change
What you are... you will always be
So when it leaves

Child you're still enough..
that alone is a beautiful thing."

He paused
with eyes full of conviction.

He said ..

"Son, choose....
it won't be easy
because we a prone to negativity,
but start with self gratitude
not indulgence.. but gratitude,
be grateful for your simplicity,
the complexities you wished others understood.

remember, what did not create you
will never grasp the wonder that you are...

son, appreciate yourself, regardless of the flaws and mistakes, celebrate the little victories, for they don't need views, they need you...

so choose, because the choices you make are the seeds that bears the fruits of happiness or something else."

© fruitfulodyssey