

Role of social media
Social media play a vast role in the life of teenagers. Social media is a big part of many teens lives. Teenagers nowadays can't imagine life without social media.
They are too much addicted to social media.
Social media is very useful for educational purposes but it has some side effects as well. Teenagers 13 to 17spend almost 12hour a day on social media. They spend time on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and on what's app. Now a day teens are more famous on social media than in real life.
Teenagers create online identities by communicating with others and building social networks. These networks help teenagers to show their talents and acquire knowledge. During this 2020 pandemic social media was helpful for teenagers. They attended online classes and joined many other courses.
They can interact with people from different countries learn many languages.
They make new friends and from them, they learn about their countries, culture, lifestyle and languages.
Exploring and experimenting with social media can help your youngsters to build knowledge and skills to enjoy online activities.

Social media made students life easy and simple. They can get details about many topics and subjects.

when students in 90 were in school for translation of words they were using dictionaries.A book of words with hundreds of pages. To translate a single word, they used to turn all pages of the dictionary to find a word and understand the meaning of a phrase. Nowadays they just type a word on Google and all details with synonymous and anonymous they get from the internet.

In colleges and schools, 90 born students used to spend a whole day in the queue for admissions and submission of forms. Now students can just click a link and submit their documents for admission without wasting time.
In the old days for searching answers to a question students used to study the whole chapter or to contact the mentor. Now they just use to type questions on google and they get answers. Social media has made life easy for students and adults. Those students or teenagers living in far-flung areas find it difficult to compete with other students .They can use Social media to connect with the world.

No doubt that social media is very important and without social media life is incomplete. social networking plays a vital role in broadening teens intellect.
They built Social connections that helps them to learn valuable technical skills.
But we shouldn't ignore the bad impact of social media on teenagers.

Impact on health: As we know teens get easily addicted to social media. Several issues develop as a result of too much time online on social media.
Sometimes teens spend so many hours on social media that they begin to lose their sleep.
Due to this loss of sleep, they get irritated and can't concentrate on their studies and other life issues.
Lack of sleep can weaken the immune system and make it more likely for teens to get sick.
Spending too much time on social media greatly affect their eye sights. which can create problems in future.
while spending too much time on social media teens can't focus on their diet plans this ignorance can affect their health badly.
Those teens who spend hours on social media can gain weight because they spend too much time sitting in the same position and ignoring their physical fitness.
Most of the teens get addicted to games like pub g and other games which greatly affect the mental health of teens many teenagers lost their lives and mental balance due to excessive use of social media. Even people upload videos of kids shouting and screaming while sleeping.
If the family doesn't allow addicted teenagers to use social media they will show signs of depression.

There are some inappropriate contents on social media that is not suitable for teens.
As children become more active online at a younger age, the possibility and probability that they’ll see something inappropriate all depend on what they’re doing online.
sometimes inappropriate ads pop up suddenly which can affect the thought process of teenagers. Due to which they can go on the wrong track.
Social media is like a Ginny whatever you wanna know type on google and the answer is ready. No doubt that teenagers should acquire knowledge and boost their I.Q.But there are some contents and topics that teenagers should not know at this stage.
when we were teenagers we were not aware of anything about pornographic content. Such knowledge acquired by teenagers in this stage snatches the essence of childhood. Childhood or teenage is a very innocent and beautiful stage. It's a stair between childhood and youth. Children's should climb these stairs step by step. Too much freedom in adolescence could spoil the child. Adolescents are not fully mature they don't aware of what is good and bad for them. They need guidance and protection.
To preserve and enjoy the innocence of this stage parents should keep an eye on their activities and should limit the use of social media. Due to limitless exposure and freedom, the beauty and innocence of childhood are lost somewhere.

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