

Broken bits of me 85
Didn't know your ego was so huge. Yesterday evening, you just passed by me like I didn't exist...My smile remained unanswered. I stayed there, a little embarrassed, a little insulted with a sting on my chest. It felt like you didn't care anymore. Was it this easy to move on? But I feel it's jusf your stupid ego of not wanting to be the one to take the first step, not wanting to feel like the one who compromised. The fault was yours. Yes, after what you did, you had texted me once if we could meet and I had said I need some time. I wasn't ready yet. I was still shook at the way you expressed your anger that day. You shouted at me so loud that I didn't know what to say. I was embarrassed, couldn't meet your eyes or of the Friends around, so I just left. After 4 days I texted you that we could talk, to that you said okay but always found an excuse to not meet. I guess when I said, I needed extra time, that shattered your fragile ego.

© Rashmita Dhungel 💕