

"Random Facts For Now Though There Will Be More To Come"
Random facts

"Blue car syndrome" or "frequency illusion"
It's the phenomenon where one happens across some obscure piece of information, often an unfamiliar word or name, and soon afterwards starts encountering that same piece of information again, often repeatedly.
The term "frequency illusion" was coined by stanford linguistics professor Arnold Zwicky in 2006 to describe the syndrome in which one encounters a concept of thing and it suddenly starts to crop up everywhere. Its caused by two psychological processes.
-The first is "selective attention". It kicks in when you're intrigued by a new word, thing, or idea from which afterwards you subconsciously keep an eye out for it and as a result start coming across is surprisingly often.
- The second is "confirmation bias". Its a reassurance that each sighting is further proof of your impression that the particular word, thing, or idea has gained overnight omnipresence.
This phenomenon is sometimes but rarely it seems called the "Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon".

The "Dunning-Kruger effect" is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their own capabilities

Heuristics are mental shortcuts to help cut down on information the brain processes which can lead to cognitive biases which are basically a form of anxieties one has developed based on previous experiences that arise when presented with a new experience that the brain feels is similar and potentially grounds for history repeating itself so to speak.

There are 640 acres in a square mile.

1% of the world's population owns over 50% of the world's total determined wealth.
20% of the world's population owns 80% of the world's total determined wealth.
That leaves 80% of the world's population with at, around, or less than 20% of the world's determined wealth to work with.

50% of America's produce is wasted annually before hitting markets, accounting for 1/3 of all foodstuffs.