

Truth's Curse: A Corporate Conundrum
Ishita was known for her honesty. Her friends and family admired her for it, but little did they know that it was a curse that she bore. A curse that had been bestowed upon her by a spiteful sorcerer, many years ago.

One day, as she was strolling through the market, she overheard a group of women gossiping about her. "Did you hear about Ishita? She's such a goody-two-shoes. I bet she's hiding something."

Ishita couldn't bear to hear the lies being spread about her. "Excuse me, ladies. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I assure you, I have nothing to hide. I have always been truthful, and will continue to be so."

The women looked at each other, surprised by her sudden outburst. "Well, if you say so. But sometimes, a little white lie can do wonders, you know," said one of them, with a smirk.

Ishita felt a pang of sadness in her heart. She knew that the curse had already started to ruin her life. It had cost her many friendships and relationships, and she feared that it would soon cost her job too.

She worked as a PR executive in a leading company, and her job required her to be diplomatic and tactful. But the curse made it impossible for her to sugarcoat the truth. She had already lost a few clients because of her blunt honesty.

One day, as she was on a call with a potential client, she accidentally blurted out an unflattering truth about their competitor. The client was offended, and Ishita knew that she had lost another deal.

She decided to seek help, and went to a sage who was known for his wisdom and powers. As she entered the sage's house, she was welcomed by the aroma of incense and the sound of a tinkling bell. "Greetings, young lady. What brings you to my humble abode?" asked the sage in a soothing voice.

Ishita took a deep breath and explained her predicament. "I have a curse, sir. I cannot tell a lie. It has caused me much trouble and pain, and I don't know what to do."

The sage listened intently, his wise eyes twinkling. "Ah, I see. You are a victim of the curse of truth. It is a rare and difficult curse to bear. But fear not, my child. I may have a solution for you."

As he handed her the stone, he spoke softly, "This is a powerful talisman. It will allow you to control your curse, and choose when to speak the truth. But be warned, the truth will always find a way to reveal itself. It is a force that cannot be tamed forever."

Ishita felt a sense of relief wash over her as she clutched the stone tightly. "Thank you, sir. I will treasure this gift and use it wisely."

Later that evening, as she sat with Rohit, gazing at the sunset, he turned to her and said, "Ishita, I have something to ask you. Will you marry me?"

Ishita smiled, feeling her heart swell with joy. She looked at Rohit and said, "Yes, Rohit. I will marry you. You are the one person who has accepted me for who I am, curse and all."

Rohit wrapped his arms around her, and they sat in peaceful silence, watching the sun dip below the horizon.
But the curse was not something that could be tamed easily. Ishita found herself struggling to keep the truth at bay. The talisman helped, but it wasn't a permanent solution.

One day, as she was in a meeting , Ishita found herself faced with a difficult choice. The Manager of her company had asked her to present a report that was filled with inaccuracies and false information. Ishita knew that presenting the report would be a betrayal of her values, but she also knew that refusing to do so could cost her job.

As she sat in her office, holding the talisman tightly, she struggled with her conscience. Finally, she made a decision. She stood up and walked into the Manager's cabin, determined to speak the truth.

"Sir, I cannot present this report. It is full of false information and will mislead our clients. I know that it may cost me my job, but I cannot compromise on my values," she said, her voice steady and resolute.

The manager looked at her, his face red with anger. "How dare you question my authority? You are nothing but a glorified secretary, Ishita. You should be grateful for the job that you have."

Ishita felt a pang of hurt, but she refused to back down. "I am sorry, sir. But I cannot present this report. I will resign if I have to."

The manager looked at her for a moment, and then sighed. "Very well, Ishita. I will revise the report. But know that you are skating on thin ice. Your honesty may be admirable, but it won't get you very far in the corporate world."

As Ishita walked out of the office, she felt a mix of relief and sadness. She knew that the curse would always be a part of her, but she also knew that she could never compromise on her values. She looked at the talisman in her hand, and felt a sense of gratitude. It had helped her in a moment of crisis, but more importantly, it had reminded her of the power of truth.

As she walked home, she saw a group of children playing in the park. She smiled, feeling a sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, the world could be a better place if more people chose to speak the truth.


© अतुल Purohit