

Write a story about a supernatural figure that is halfway between a deity and a human fighting the monsters of your childhood fears.
Once while coming back home from school our truck met with an accident. In 1984 children of Airforce personnel were commuted to school by Airforce trucks. There's no regret travelling by trucks. We used to enjoy standing in the truck and travel. We would fall purposefully on others after every brake hit by the driver. It all happened on one fine late afternoon while going back home. The driver was on a normal speed of 60 km/h, the aversion to hit a cycling boy who crossed the road, he had to put sudden break and there was the topsy turvey of the truck. All one on the other, the game which we used to play for fun had, become reality. Not able to understand the reality for some time, it felt as if I was going to die. Just being a student of Grade 6, I was frightened to the core. I was lying inside for some time. Some students walked on me. I managed to get up and found a way out of the upside turned vehicle, thanks to the truck, had it been a closed van, the scenario would have been different. Soon help came from the nearby and we were taken to the hospital and we were treated for all our cuts and bruises. Thankfully there was no casuality. Some were sent home immediately and some were made to stay a night stay at hospital. A traumatic experience...both accident and hospital! Till today when I travel by road an instinct haunts......
which in fact has become a bridge to converse with the deity for a safe journey!