

A time to move
Times these days are difficult for everybody but when there's a death in ones family it can be devastating.
We all have had to deal with a death one time or another weather it was a love one, a friend or a love one of a love one or a friend of a friend, everyone deals in their own way.
Tisa's dad passed away leaving her to inherit his assets. There's property, a three bedroom home that is in bad need of repairs. The home that she would have grown up in if not for some misfortunes. Her life was full she liked her job it wasn't anything to brag about but it kept Tisa in a nice two bedroom rental house and paid the bills.
She's a single middle age woman coping with the same realities that everyone copes with in day to day life, but now things have changed.
She is the owner of property and being the owner of property changes the game entirely.
Decisions had to be made should she keep the property, sell it or rent it? Tisa was born in Calgary but thought of Red Cove as her home town. Both places had bad memories of abuse Calgary held abuse of her mother but Red Cove held her own abuse.
She could remember hearing her mother telling her that there is no love in abuse verbal or physical. No love what so ever no matter how many times someone tells you that they love you there is no love in abuse. If someone is abusing you they Don't love you they abuse you because they Don't like you. They Don't want you.
Tho your abuse may not be physical, verbal abuse can be as painful as a broken limb she said.
The biggest thing is to remember you don't have to stay in abuse of any kind.
Now that the written word is made to be the most ot importance it's the biggest way of abusing someone you need to realize that it's nothing to die, fight or kill for they're just words. Words are not as important as life.
Words used by someone to make you think and feel that there's something wrong with you, but there's anything wrong with you, you ARE who you ARE,a
there's something NOT right with an abuser.
Now when someone says something derogatory to Tisa she wonders what is it about that person that they're ashamed of to make them try to make someone else sometimes feel ashamed?
Now she find herself laughing at what pops in her head not.

Some people are making words their big weapons you need to remember that words will not kill anyone like it's made out to do.
Her mother soon died after that lesson and she did, oneday without any warning Tisa packed up walked out and never looked back.
She didn't fuss, or tried to get revenge she just cut them off like light. Now she's stronger lessons learned she knows what to avoid.
Her mother would give her a bible verse for ever bad situation she remembered;

Proverbs 10 : 20
The tongue of the just is as choice silver
the heart of the wicked is of little worth.

The verse now had a meaning it finally made sense to her years after her mother said it.

Keep your head she would say,
Don't let nothing bad kill that, that's good.
Friday evening Tisa packed up her car with things she would need and drove to Calgary for the weekend.
Somehow things felt different as she opened the door to her house she felt at peace. The house was almost empty it sound hollow but it felt welcoming. It had a smell of sawed wood a feel of renewing a new beginning
she thought to herself.
There was a small drop that she like stepping into the kitchen from the living room.
She unloaded her car popped open a wine cooler and sat down to relax. In the silence of the night she just sat there thinking of ways that she could make this house hers. The decision was made...
tomorrow would be a new beginning the first
day of her life.
Later she went in sat the timer on the coffee maker for 6 and went to bed.
The next morning Tisa woke to the smell of coffee and a knocking at the door it was Ben.
Tisa hurried got dress in sweats she opened the door to him dressed in stone wash jeans a white t-shirt and work boots.
Good morning,
Morning he said as he walked in.
Tisa got a feel of embarrassment, not a bad embarrassment the kinda shy one of not looking good in front of a man. She quickly told herself to stop that because he is just a man.
She didn't want to let that get started again she swore that no one of any consequences man or woman would be able to make her ashamed of herself again. That's were all that anxiety and depression is rooted, shame.
All that stuff starts with somebody making you lose confidence in yourself.
The biggest weapon used today is shame it is a weapon used to make people lose confidence in themselves.
Just be yourself, who you are the voice in her head said.
There's coffee in there if you want some.
Where do you want to start he ask?
Tisa kept going to her room to get some shoes.
I'm barely awake give me time to get some coffee in me so I can think.
The bathroom I think that toilet is rocky.
It just needs to be bolted down maybe straighten
but stabling, are we going to paint it?
I think that we should get the painting done before we do the flooring.
Wait a minute one thing at a time she said,
would you like anything to go with your coffee toast maybe or a cinnamon rolls.
Ben put one of the cinnamon on his napkin and licked his fingers. After coffee they both went into the backroom got started and made a list of what was needed as they worked. Toilet bolts nails, paint brushes, and flooring tiles. Her dad had gotten a lot of the things but not all.
They stopped and went to the hardware store to finish the bathroom.
The day went by fast, a room a day she thought.
It's nice to have someone help you with good intentions somebody that want to help you for all the right reasons. There wasn't very much talk between them no questions asked by ither
Ben showed her what to do and she did it.
By 6'oclock they were both tired the bathroom was finished all except the floor
I better go Ben said.
Tisa walked him to the door,
see ya tomorrow,
Ben she said thank you,
You're welcome, We got a long ways to go yet so thank me then good night.
There are certain things about a man that is so attractive to Tisa the first being nice.
She and Ben are becoming friends he's nice to work with she thought he teaches she likes that.
She found herself thinking about the small things they laughed about even her hitting her finger with a hammer.
Tisa got more coffee grab a box of tiles and got started on the bathroom floor with thoughts of her new friend. Hours later she got up got ready for bed as she laid down she found herself saying
good night Mr. Carson.

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