

Vacation ( Part II )

It's the last part. Enjoy. 1st part in my page.

Guess what. Luck favoured me. I got admitted. I went to the university and seeing my name on the result board, I was so happy. I was happy not because I got admitted but because I could confess my Love for her. Quickly I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the result. I sent that pic on LINE and told her that I got admitted in Joei. Then I started leaving that place to go to home. But I was shocked after some moments. I was near the gate and I saw a boy holding Sawabe's hand. He was on his knee and holding her hands gently. I was stunned for a bit. I didn't even think what to do. I quickly grabbed out my phone and deleted that pic and text I sent to her. I walked home crying that day. From that day, we didn't text each other.

On the opening ceremony, she saw me in Joei. She told my why I didn't tell her that I was getting admitted in here. I told that the decision was taken in a haste and I couldn't get time. Plus, we were busy in studies so I couldn't tell her in time. I think she didn't believe me and said sorry as she wasn't able to talk with me these days. I said her not to worry.

At lunch break, she told me to eat lunch together. I told whether her boyfriend would mind if we do so. She said, "What boyfriend?" I told her about that day. She started laughing and said, "You fool. He tried to confess to me as he was in my school but I rejected him because I like someone else." I really didn't hear the last few words. I was really happy knowing that I still have a chance. All on a sudden a question came our from the blue. She asked me why I choose Joei as there were so many awesome Universities near me like Shuzan University. I decided to say the words what my heart was telling me to say. I told that I wanted to stay with her as I Loved her so much and only by getting admitted in Joei I could do that. She asked me why I didn't confess before. I replied that I was about to do that. I already sent text and pic and that incident happened which forced me to delete those. I told her sorry for everything. She smiled and asked me whether I wanted to know who she liked? I can't tell what was going on my mind that moment. I was breaking. I was thinking about what happened in this moments, I almost got it and suddenly she is asking me if I wanted to know who she liked. Seeing my gloomy face, she smiled and told, " Whatever , I'm telling you as you told me all these things. The person I like no I Love is YOU!!!" I was stunned. Like I was feeling the most luckiest ever at that moment. She told me, "Those chats, the care you took of me, those things you did for me was telling everyday how much you Love me. How can I resist myself from not Loving you?" Saying this she hold my hands and told me, " I wanna hold this hands forever. Will you hold?" I was crying and shook my head telling, "No matter what I will hold this hands forever. Thanks for everything you did for me. I will never forget." She wiped my tears and kissed my on my hands. She asked me if it was okay to kiss me. Before she could finish her sentence, I kissed her on her forehead and smiled like never before.

That's us. We are happy together. Still we do a lot of chat in spite of meeting everyday in University. I Love her so much but I guess she Loves me more.

The End

#love , #heart , #broken , #brokenheart , #journey , #friendship , #school , #romance , #journeyoflove
© TheUnknownOne