

Night Of Terror
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.
Looking around wondering to shout out for help. I would hear the footsteps coming more closer towards me. My heart beat accelerating with my veins felt like live current passing through every single cell of my body.

Could feel my perspiration falling down from my forehead, rolling through my soft cheeks and giving the taste of terror on my lips. Felt like malediction has fallen upon me since I had moved to a new city with my family. Firstly getting sick with a unknown illness with no cure and now a night of terror.

Creepy voices could be hear above the ceiling like someone had let the demons cage open in the edom where Asmodeus resides with darkness covered around the area giving me a dull vision. Nothing was clear for me to observe and cursing myself for poor eyesight.Numerous thoughts running over my head in the terror of how will I survive the night.

The following footsteps couldn't be heard anymore giving me a relief feeling that I'm save and not realizing something falling from the ceiling. It fell on my face rolling down to my lips,it tasted like blood droplets which I had once tasted in my biology class with my weird lab experiment partner. The taste was so similar and I was certain that it was blood.

The droplets of blood started falling like heavy rainfall covering my body and the anonymous footsteps could be heard again with a steel rod striking on the corridor railings. My heart beating faster like a cheetah chasing after his prey. I could sense my life was going to end soon, giving me a ache in my heart that I couldn't accomplish my dreams and wishes as a writer and mother of numerous children. Within seconds I felt the steel rod stabbed in my stomach several times. I couldn't see the face of the anonymous person and it felt like I had known the person when I fall on its muscular body. Only words came out from my shivering lips was "who are you"?? My body been dragged away and placed in the dungeon.
