

Cupid III

A boy thanked, his about 9 or 10 years old.

"No one had ever gave us this much, thank you". He added as the others nodded happiness in their eyes.
"Why are you guys out here anyway? " I asked them as they felt embarass.
"From the lack of money from the mayor this is all we can do to not starve". He explained as they all look down at the ground ashamed.

The human world is both good and evil, both yin and yang, humans are devils and angels on their own that balances the world without it the heaven and the underworld can never be at harmony.

I returned the children to the orphanage where their matrons or carers are waiting. Both of them were shocked to see me with all of them.

A little girl came running to one of their carers.
"Look sister Mill! Apples!" She exclaimed with a huge smile on her face.

As i was a little bit left behind, I could now see all of them clearly. The children wares dirty clothes as well as the carers. The building was not in a good shape and it would probably collapse in a month.

The lady who I think was the head of this orphanage walked up to me and bowed her head.
"Oh no! you don't need to do that". I said awkwardly as she raised her head, tears forming in her eyes.
"thank you so much miss". She thanked me as all of them gathered.
"Its okay, and by the way my name is Amor Evanjeline". I introduced myself. 'way the go self' I facepalmed myself.
"My name is Rosemarie Hurmit, the head of this orphanage". She introduced with a little bow. Then someone stepped forward.
"My name is Mill Dilfer, the right hand of Ms.
Rosemarie Hurmit". She introduced herself then bowed.
"It's nice to meet you". I said and smiled.
"Thank you so much for the fruits it means a lot to us". Mill said thanking me as tears are forming in her eyes but she wiped it all off immediately.

All of the children here are abandoned by their parents or been sold for financial problem or debts. Every children doesn't have a clear future like the others. I will assist them and make a path for their future.

It doesn't mean that I am a cupid is that all I have to do is love arrow people, No. We do have a mission to accomplish though we also have a duty to help those who are need.

As everyone was gathered around the field, each one munching happily with their apples. Ms. Rosemarie came up to me.

"Miss Evanjeline thank you so much for the apples and the other fruits as well". She thanked me again then bowed.
"It is no big deal". I said reasuring her with sweet smile.
"but when did this happen?" I asked her as she reminisce in the past.

She sighed sadly remembering.
"After the mayor passed his position to his son everyone in the town panicked because all of them knew what his son is". She explained every detail.
"He was a greedy and merciless guy. All of the towns people don't even know why the mayor would pass his title to him anyway". She said as her eyebrows furrowed, irritation evident on her face.

"Don't worry everything will come back to normal". I said to her with a smile as I held her hand.

© Agustin