

It's All Written In The Stars (Ch 1)

The darkest the sky has been in centuries, even the faintest of the stars were visible with naked eyes. It seemed like the stars were giving a sign, but no one was observant enough to understand the mystery. Scientists gave a rational explanation of why this happened. Little did they know that someone was doing it as an honour to someone special.

It was a windy night. The climate was freezing as it was the start of Autumn. The streets of Wiltshire, England were empty as curfew approached. Meanwhile, in The Scott Manor, Ellie Scott, a beautiful young woman, was struggling as she gave birth.
The clock struck twelve as the baby was born.

The midnight sky shone with bright stars and the beautiful crescent moon. The baby cried, and it was heard through the silence of the night. An older woman, the mother of Ellie Scott, and the wife of Ethan Scott.

Louella held her granddaughter close to her, rocking back and forth singing a sweet Lullaby, smiling at the baby with adoration and joy. However, Ellie Scott did not appear pleased, she appeared indifferent and troubled. It was obvious that she only loved the baby's father, and she was not happy about her daughter being born...