

Snow's flowers
Was a little girl almost 6 years old, she was love to stay alot in snow's flowers lawn infront her home. She was feeling that all flowers are as a close friends. There is similarity between them maybe in white and kindness heart, innocence.
she had talked to much with them before she was going to grow. One day she standed infront a hight tree, the wind was strong that day ,she was looking above that tree strangly, and ask herself whats beyond the top, is there limiting or can grown more and more, whats make this tree standing above without falling by this strong winds.
The days passed, and the little girl becames 17 years old , she still talked to her flowers but she spending much time than befor, she feels the stillness that she derives from her gives her the strength to face the fierce winds of this life.The days intervened and stole from us until the silence. The girl left and moved away from her garden to live in the hustle and bustle of life forever, butttt! there's a faith full emotions never goes away, there's things come with us to anywhere because Allah created them to helpe us to continue, we just need to close our eyes for a moment 💙
Asmaa Aldubai
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