

Diamond necklace
The diamond necklace on the mannequin looked familiar. She placed her palm on the window that separated them and leaned in closer so that she can clearly see the familiar necklace. Just when it hit her, memory flash back one by one. she remembered now! she saw one of her classmate wearing the fancy diamond necklace.The one that really looked the same from what she Was looking at right now.. Wow! such a beauty. She's secretly admiring the beauty of the necklace. She put her hand around her neck and close her eyes imagining she's wearing it. She can't helped but smile. Then the imagination suddenly stop, the store keeper noticed her and madly shouted "stay away of the window! you're blacking the view, you might also get the window dirty" out of panicked she ran. Sadly looking back into the maniquin until the image of the diamond necklace faded.