

Phantasm: Loss of Innocence Chapter 8
So he gave me some medication that appeared to be a pale yellow liquid. The syringe hardly hurt. It was quick and easy and nearly painless. I had very little soreness in my arm afterwards where he injected the serum.
" So have you thought about.....staying here at all".
" Hey it's been 5 minutes Jeb. You need to give me a bit more time".
'" Its actually been an hour since I last asked you. "
" Well i need more than an hour to make up my mind. Look don't pressure me. If there's anything I hate its pushy guys. I don't like to be pressured to do anything by anyone especially by a guy. So back off buster".
" I wasn't pressuring you to do anything. The choice is entirely up to you. I will respect whatever decision you make of course. I just am greatly curious of what you shall decide. Forgive the persistence. It was not my intention to pressure you in any way."
" Apology accepted. So when does this medicine kick in?"
" It should only take a few minutes if you're healthy. "
" I am extremely healthy. I run, I walk, I hike, I bike and I even take jazzercise and Zumba."
" Yes you certainly appear to be fully operational. "
" Is that a compliment?"
" You do appear to be rather well put together. You certainly are in excellent condition.....for a human.
Yes I suppose it is....a compliment of some sort. It was mostly a simple observation."
' I would greatly wish....very much ....if I could...run a few tests on you......that is if you wouldn't mind".
"Whatever for?"
" Oh it would be simple routine examination. Quite painless actually. It would only take a few minutes of your time."
" A examination for what purpose?"
" Just for the purpose of collecting data. I've been studying humans
for quite sometimes. I must say it fascinates me. Humans are so simple in some aspects but they can be somewhat very complex at the same time. Call it a hobby of mine". He Explained with a secretive smirk
" Oh, right, playing with dead bodies is a hobby of yours".
" Oh come now plenty of people do that for a living mortician and medical examiners for instance. It can be a full time profession and I should know, I run a mortuary."
" Then its it's more of a job than a hobby. "
" Not many deaths occur here if you've noticed. Fresh bodies are hard to come by these days. So this profession you speak of has become more of a hobby. Our doors are always open but very few wish to come here. They find the atmosphere to be far too ominous and austere. I, myself am certainly very intimidating. So people tend to keep away and with certain disappearances taking place, I wouldn't blame them."
" What disappearances? "
"Oh didn't you hear? there were quite a few reports of missing cases. Missing children to be exact.More than dozen have disappeared so far this year. No one ever found them. I don't usually meddle with children. Children aren't in my line of expertise. It is strange no one ever recovered any bodies. There was simply no trace of them. Then the women started disappearing. I found one wandering the woods, she had no memory of how she got there. I couldn't retrieve the information from her mind. Her mind had been wiped clean. She also had unusual scars on her arms and the same traumatic scarring on her brain. She was hysterical and nothing she said made sense. She kept saying the Schlanker Mann, the Schlanker Mann over and over again. She wouldn't elaborate either. She was in shock . Something had frightened her. Whatever she saw the sight of it must have sent her off the deep end. I tried to keep her alive but she kept trying to hurt herself. Naturally I stopped her from doing any major damage.
Eventually she became unresponsive. Then she slipped into a coma. I don't know how much longer she'll last at this point. I can feel her life fading and slowly draining from her body. It won't be too long before her heart shuts down. If she doesn't awakens soon she may have no chance of survival but if she continues I'm afraid there won't be much hope for her.
I've thought about helping her end her inner torment. I had originally intended to bring her here and give her a good deserving death. She was suffering and I just wanted her to have some peace. Then there were other women reported to be found on abandoned highways secluded trails. One women was found at the foot of a small mountain. They were usually dark and isolated places. Places that were out of the way. They too had no memory of how they got there.
There is another thing, all these disappearances happened to those of the female gender. "
" Interesting . So do you think these disappearances have any connection with these mysterious yet gruesome deaths that have been taking place?"
" Yes I do. Don't you?"
" Yes I have a funny feeling about it. So this creature isn't just some dumb mindless animal. He's intelligent. If he is indeed intelligent he must have a reason for behind these killings. "
" Maybe not for the killings but possibly for the kidnappings. He must lure these humans into these strange places, and wipe their memory and leave them there. He knows people's fears. Possibly he feeds off of it. He doesn't seem to leave any outward Mark's of any kind , except a few cuts and bruises but nothing major or distinctive enough for us to reecognize him with. He just leaves behind trauma where ever he goes.
This creature causes severe PTSD to occur in the minds of his victims. PTSD so severe that they never fully recover from it.
He may not be killing just for sport there maybe a hidden purpose just like you said. "
" We need investigate those woods. I have a feeling we'll find something there. Something important. Something that the police will never find."
" Agreed. We should start our search immediately. "
" Yes no shit sherlock ".

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