

Comfort Zone- Enemy Of Success
Comfort-Zone is the place where many people tend to feel relax and stagnant in their personal success and accomplishment. There is no progress nor any slightest improvement in any field or skill as such. People are happy to live in a comfort-zone with only limited goals and aspirations for their life. They neither try to push themselves or work upon themselves to enhance their career and technical skills outside their comfort zone.

Being in a comfort-zone makes you lazier and lethargic; your mind always makes excuses to enjoy and relax in such a mood. But remember, all the growth and development takes place outside the arena of your comfort zone. A lot of your successful lifestyles and dream goals need that you push yourself outside the comfort zone.

Comfort-Zone limits your personal growth and progress to live your dream life. In life, you always have two choices; either to take a task and over-ride our fear, or to stay in a comfort-zone neglecting the precious opportunity to learn, grow, and excel.

The choice is firmly yours! Decide wisely!

To take yourself outside the comfort zone, try taking some risks without considering fear of failure or rejection. Dont judge your capacity by other people's beliefs. You know what is right and wrong for yourself. Face the fear, try pushing yourself every time you encounter a safe-zone.

Have a learning mindset! Dont fear to make mistakes!

Make mistakes early! Learn from them and excel in your life with flying colors!

© Himanshu Patil07