

So, I had been sitting with my computer for 7 years and all I did was open Microsoft Office Word, type a few of mostly uncompleted stories, then switch to VLC to watch movies and later listen to music. Sad!🥺 Right? Well, I was so good at arranging files, creating folders and splitting them according to specific niches. I was so good at sourcing for all this media content online from YouTube to SnapTube, downloading without spending a cent provided I had data. One thing kept ringing in my mind, that it was a good idea to have a pc rather than a tv, because through it you can multitask and even get to learn a lot. But 7 years down the line I was still there and I had not learnt a new thing other than installing the Kaspersky Antivirus and using my phone as a modern for online surfing.

Then one morning I decided to peruse through the softwares installed and suddenly a curiosity grew in me of wanting to understand the function of each. Trust me I had not seen things like Infopath, OneNote, Groove, Publisher, Diagnostics, Outlook and Access. I remember at one time opening Excel and PowerPoint but I didn't spend much time there because I thought I didn't need them as such.

Thank the heavens for my curiosity, but blame the devil for his enticing and deceiving world around us, for blinding us with so much content and rendering us less productive. Blame the devil for Soccer games, celebrities, social media lifestyles, relationships, get rich quick scams, Pyramid schemes, fashion, and even for the ungrateful jealous neighbors surrounding us. Blame the devil for targeting one soul with all this medium.

Innocent souls that perish due to lack of knowledge and understanding. Productivity sometimes comes as close to us as to our fingertips, but the devil already tells you he's got some work already for those fingers. First they need manicure, then next they need to be displayed. A times they tenderly hold glasses of liquor, a times they tenderly undress you, a times they need to be viewed holding drumsticks playfully and so forth. They can't wash, they can't cook, hoe, paint, draw, write, stitch, play piano, or even give a donation. Sad!🥺 Right?

Can you imagine my curiosity led me to Computer Programming, Coding, Web design, Graphic Design, Video Editing, Photography, a better understanding of both the hardware and software? Curiosity could not let me again search for adult content anymore. Curiosity led me to most productive podcasts and vlogs on YouTube and LinkedIn. The curiosity that was for years suppressed. It dawned on me and I awoke.

It has enabled me to complete tasks and goals that I set. Two years now with 6% knowledge on what I've already learnt has enabled me scale up to independence and I'm scared of what I'll achieve by the time I master 20% Computers literacy. I can even write a program that tells your moods and suggest steps for you to be productive through scanning your eyes. I don't know if it's there yet, and when you don't follow through it's suggestions it drains or freezes your bank accounts. I mean, how limited is this mind of ours to think of things so great jus like a few men in history have? What's the devil so much afraid of that he's so busy brainwashing the entire world through a few agents?

Thank God for curiosity. Curiosity calls for all of us to wake up and to stay awake. Curiosity is God in Us; Emmanuel! Curiosity is the Subconscious mind Expressing desire and manifesting reality. So, be sure to impress it properly through your common thoughts. Curiosity can never let you slumber. Curiosity burns with a desire to be productive and live meaningful lives with less debts and tremendous growth. Awake and stay Awakened.
© The Seeker