

On 31st March 1865 Anandi Gopal Joshi was born. She lived in Kalyan, Maharashtra. When she was nine year old she was married to Gopalarao joshi, a widower who was almost 20 years her senior.He worked at postal clerk in Kalyan.At that time girls were not allowed to go to school but Gopalarao was different, he believed that girls also have a right to go to school.At the age of fourteen she gave birth to a boy. He died after ten days of his birth due to the lack of medical care.This was a turning point in Anandi's life and inspired her to become a physician.Gopalarao tried to enroll her in missionary schools but it was not working out so they moved to Calcutta.There she learned to speak sanskrit and english.Her husband encouraged her to study medicine. He sent a letter to Royal Wilder,a well known American missionary. When they were in Calcutta,Anandi's
health was declining.She suffered from headaches,fever, body ache and weakness.Medicines were sent by Theodicia from America who was impressed by Anandi's decision and her husband's support towards her.Later, Gopalarao was transferred to Serampore.He decided to send Anandi by herself to America.She travelled by ship.Her health got worse because of the cold climate.As she was hindu,she was not able to eat properly because of the lack of vegetarian food in America.She was gratuated with an MD in March 1886.Queen Victoria sent her a congratulatory message.In late 1886 she returned to India, receiving a grand welcome. In1887,she died because of tuberculosis.She became an ideal for Indian's women to achieve something in their life.Today only
in some part of India women's are not educated.Let's promise ourselves to finish this discrimination and lead to a better future.