

The boy
I saw a boy . He was somewhat weird
whenever I see him he used to move his hands in the air alone .Daily he was roaming in his balcony and speaking to himself .
People used to tell that he's gone mad
his parents don't scold him ,they were very kind to him .
when he go to the shop the seller always treat him in a cool and good manner .I was curious to know more about him . Actually he is smart but he's introvert and suffering from mental issue .
Later I came to know that he used to do all the calculations on his hand moving in the air , memorizing the topic which he had learned . He know he is suffering from the issues but he never troubled anyone .He always thinks about his parents and their future . Love is same for everyone whether it may be a human or an animal. He was preparing himself for the upcoming fights .

Don't judge a book by it's cover