

Does God Really Exists?
In today's generation , people are loosing faith in God , they say that " I 've never heard his voice nor I have seen him with my own eyes and I am sure nobody have seen him too ".
Many scientists and philosophers posed arguments on God's existence one example is Thomas Aquinas.

He observed that all wordly objects can change from potential to aquality.
Like , a ice can melt and turn into water, a child can grow and turn to an adult. But the cause of the change must be something besides that object (temprature melts ice , food nourishes child).

Many scientist said that the earth is made automatically , there was no one who made the world.
If world is made by its own and everything is scientifically made then answer my questions
"How was the first human came to birth?"
No , scientist must be knowing the cause of the first human's birth ,
as they say everything happens scientifically and has a reason then answer this question.
For a human 's birth , A female and a male body is required and then tell me how the first human came to birth .
Why is everything in my body made so perfect I have 2 eyes to see,One nose to smell and breath , one smile to make friends.
Why is everything made so perfect and looks so perfect .

If I told you one day I entered a building which was empty nor a fly I could see there until a moment..
A desk came flying and landed, a chair also came flying and landed like that whole required things like food , water and clothes came to me flying . Would you believe ? . Then I took you to the building and same happens with you a cup of tea came flying for you .Ofcourse some power must be controlling this things , right?.
Same goes with the earth tree were planted, water was made and many beautiful animals were made by our God . I feel his presence each and every second beside me , when you start believeing in him he will do a lots of good things to you!

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