

Our teeth are interesting components of the human body. They have blood supply and nerve supply in the pulp, the very central point of the tooth. The outer part of the tooth is known as enamel and it is this part of the tooth that is susceptible to plaque and bacteria. Streptococcus mutans is the specific bacteria which is found in the mouth. It will be present in plaque and lead to tooth decay and the wearing away of tooth enamel. This exposes the dentin which is under tooth enamel. Dentin is sensitive and darker in colour than enamel. Tooth decay can be treated by a dentist through filling a tooth, making a crown, or a root canal. This is known as restorative dentistry. Brushing teeth and using mouthwash can keep your teeth healthy. This is by targeting the bacteria in those hard to reach places. Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay. However diet drinks which contain citric acids are also a cause of tooth decay. So brushing teeth is important. To keep our mouths healthy and pain free. Tooth ache can be extremely painful!

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