

That Adventurous Day
There are some friends Bobby,Twinkle,Chinni,Sai,Nani,Sneha,Harika,Pragna living in same neighborhood,meets daily near playground and every one bring new content to play or to speak something creatively , As other casual days ,Bobby brought a new content of ghost topic , Bobby kinda adventurous guy he would like to do adventures🤘 .

So that day everyone are fascinated towards that content , as the day ends everyone arrived back to home. After some days ,Twinkle finds an untenanted house for long time and it looks so scary🏚️, she informed about that place to her friends and every friend thinks that it might be haunted place , so everyone made their own plan to set foot in that place and utter to Everyone in group and made a final plan to go in for adventure and feat. Pragna is smaller one in that group so they shunned her to not to go with them.
As they all planned to go by making their bags filled and unfortunately they forget about torch lights after walking some distance they reach that place but they notices two gates so Chinni tosses a coin to choose gate but then he tosses high and coin fell aside under a old futile car.
so after thinking for a while they decided to form two different groups and enter in two different gates but before entering they realises that there is only one brought torch light , in the side scenario the girl pragna followed undisclosedly to them and in safe side she took a tourch light and then she come and give torch light in that condition she asked them to allow her to come with them ,so they allowed pragna as her wish .
As they formed two groups they entered in that house from two different gates they divided as boys one group and girls one group. After entering they hears some creepy sounds even though they won't stop, that house is totally darken . By hapless the torch in the girls group
stucks and then everyone worries for sometime and thinks they found some sticks , old grass and woods , and star⭐ shaped metal, they ignores that metal object but twinkle sees it doubt fully and later they lit the fire , They moves but when sees themselves and realises there are only three members they missed one, yes! pragna missed the way and in another scenario boys, they see stairs - climbs doubt fully after they climb they hears a sound creepy - at a corner a girl is crying in fetal position, Bobby and his friend thinks that it may be ghost ,his friends let's go back but Bobby wants to know is that a ghost or not, so darely he moves towards that girls , he asked the girl "who are you, why are you crying" then the girl rised her head , everyone shocks and shouts 😨.....(what happened).
And in another side Twinkle and her friends in search of pragna , Harika sees a sun🌞 shaped metal , she give it to Sneha and she keep it in bagpack and finds a door ,before opening that door they hears sound of shouts from upstairs door, they thought their friends got in trouble😓 and runs towards that door , Actually that sound was come from boys because when they saw a girl rising her head -it is pragna, they worried and shouts and then they asked her "how do u came here ?" then she explains how she lost the way .
And Nani ,Chinni found a stone metallic moon🌛 shaped object gives to sai and he keeps in bagpack, later they finds a door and they about to open that door but at once someone knocking the door😨 they thought someone might stucked in that room from many days but they tried to open the door , they opens- they sees their someone and everyone screams (Aaaaaaaa) and later they realises that their friends on each other side and get relaxed but people leaving in surroundings hear that sound and anticipates that there is ghost👻 .
All friends were glad because no one fell in any kind of danger🤞 ,at last they reaches near suspicious room, that room is filled with very ancient things and lock systems , but they do not find any door to exit from that place and they forgot the way they came😔 and everyone notices the a big box they thought it might be a treasury and everyone clearly observe that box and they see a star ,moon and sun shaped empty grids but boys have moon metal, and girls have sun shaped metal one, but they need another star shaped but later Sneha realises that they ignored one object at one place but they don't know the way to go back , they worried 😓, then twinkle says "Don't worry , it is with me,I hv already brought it from that place'', here we can say that twinkle is a cautious girl🤘.Foresight is important. After they setting those objects in grids then that box opens with auspicious thing and some insects runs out of the box, there is a cloth the removes it .
As they didn't expect, they found real treasure of precious crystals and lots of gold , everyone stared at it for some time and felt very happy and later they search for exit door , the door they come from has already automatically closed. Finally they tries to move all the objects in that room , at last they got an idea to move that treasure trunk box , but it is a weighty tome ,but then all the friends with unity, use their all strength ,the building was shaking ,even though they tried, Ultimately they move that treasure trunk aside and finds the small door 👍which shows down stairs ,they entered inside but they are lil worried cause they don't know that the way behind the door that leads them into, they finally reaches another door at down stairs by dragging that trunk box by all their effort , they listen some murmuring ,they opens the door, they see two people but they are in prison dress escaped from the jail and those thieves demands to give all the treasury but kids doesn't willing to give them they wants to give it to trust and charity , so they regrets and they observes those theives , they are without any weponary and all these friends tries to fight with that two prisoners by using ropes and small sharp objects which are in their backpack ,they fight with them and ties with ropes and net type clothes and there they sees exit door and gate😀. They exits from that house by doing some adventure and extradate those theives to police and with the help of their families they gives funds to charity and next day all the media and some officers came near their houses and praises them and gives awards🏆.And they mentioned as courageous kids😁.

That was adventurous memory to all of them. so, Twinkle,Bobby
,Harika,Sneha,Nani,pragna, Chinni and Sai are happy 😊.
And they got to know there are no ghosts 😌.....as they expected.

Moral:- nothing ventured, nothing gained.

© nithish chandra reddy