

Scary garden chapter 1 part 2
My father came and sat holding his coffee and said. So what's this morning fight upto? Today is Sunday let me just rest and have a good sleep I'm tired by my 24/6 office.
So typical dad!! Araya said.
What happened? my dad said looking at me.
Mom gave me one omlette and Arya got two! I said.
Uh! Your sick fight tired of you two, always comparing you gave Araya this much but a little to me and when we give more than Arya you start complaining. My mom said in anger.
You should share everything and never compare who gets more and who doesn't and after all she is your little sister right, at the end of the day you both have to patch up and work upon yourself being team together is more powerful than being alone right! You like horror movies didn't you learn? People die when they get separated with each other.
Fine dad ! I said gobbling my omelette.
Everything was good my mom and dad use to care, love and spend time with me. But when Arya came me and my parents started getting far...and more far it's sad right when you are alone. From childhood I was introvert and don't have too many friends in school and I don't go to park and garden even there I get bullied in my school, I am very good at study, when I was in 7th grade I stood 2nd and because of only one gap of point I stood 2nd and one boy stood 1st my parents were still very sad and didn't said anything, I thought they would say You made us proud but nah instead they said by looking at report card that fine but you are not first.
I broke my heart and my tears were about to come and sigh and said yeah I will try good but Arya at the same time was failed in one subject but she got as praise she would get.
I came back into reality my breakfast was done I went to my room and closed the door and started crying why! this happens to me, am I the only loser... Suddenly my mom called me Ayush in loud voice and when I reach there .... they said...
Today is Sunday and take your sister out on garden...
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