

Cough: Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Welcome To Burkwood

I grasp tightly onto the steering wheel, my hands sweating as I near the left turn, the road dwindles off from the black coated tar into a dirty, bumpy path, I feel the rocks shoot like little bullets from underneath the wheels of my Ford Escape, the only good part of this job...

I continue past the mounds of trees as the road stretches out far in front of me. My thoughts wander. What was aunt Frida doing in my dreams? That crazy hag is gonna be the death of me...

Suddenly a specter appears in the road I hit the brakes, and my car stops swiftly. I stare at the specter as my car idles.

Oh great, another ghost story... ugh, if it wasn't for this Nancy girl and her nagging, I would still be at home watching my Netflix specials. I sigh and turn, I decide to go around the damned thing. Suddenly it vanishes.

What the heck? Oh well, wherever I'm heading there's more of that to come. I turn on my radio and the Eagles play. I continue forth as the the music drones on in the background.

I'm greeted by a big sign, the faded letters, BURKWOOD COUNTY lay coated on it.

Well, here we are. I drive through the town, that's odd, not a man, woman or child in sight... I proceed through what can only be described as a ghost town. I remember riding with my bike on these roads, but they are derelict now, what on Earth happened to this place?

I park my car near the Burkwood Sheriff's office. I step out and a sudden chill runs through the air... I shiver as it crawls up my spine. I grab my coat from the backseat and wrap every possible fiber of it tightly around my body.

I knock on the door. "Hello?" The handle creaks and it slowly opens. I enter, the office. "Well, hello there, you must be Robert?" I turn around, and a sturdy built but aged man stands behind me. The man reaches his hand out. "The name is Hanson." I reach back "Hello, yes. I'm here, for the...", the man smiles. "Oh I know exactly why you are here son, we have been expecting you."

I raise my eyebrows confused. "We? There's barely anyone here?" Hanson frowns, but what do mean, the place is packed!"

I turn around open the door. The town is packed with life, children laughing and chasing one another with little plastic rifles. Men and women driving in cars that look like they came out of the 50's. The town is buzzing with sounds and tunes. It all drones on as I stare in awe at what seems to have appeared out of thin air.

I hear Hanson's voice behind me.

"Welcome To Burkwood County, son!"

© A G Blake