

Breathing Isn't Living
There are days when we all sit and think, "Damn, I shouldn't have done that." Maybe it was falling for someone, opposing our parents, withdrawing from a decision, choosing the wrong path, uttering hurtful words, or speaking out of turn. These regrets often surface when we're feeling low.

We are alive, but are we truly living? We breathe air, but sometimes it feels like we're just going through the motions. Thankfully, there are also good times – moments shared with loved ones that bring joy. However, there are also days we pray never to experience again.

The heart, not a rigid rule, dictates what attracts us. We're drawn to things that bring us happiness, like praise, acceptance from others (regardless of their opinion on our choices), and the comfort of being loved unconditionally.

Life is a coin that flips constantly. It's up to us how we react to each side. You can have friends whose vibes resonate with you, and those who don't share your perspective. But in today's world, with so much darkness surrounding us, must we label them enemies?

Yes, the world can be dark. Religious disputes, power struggles, and constant comparisons create negativity. The irony is, we, ourselves, are the root cause of these divisions. Isn't that a bit ridiculous? We prioritize things that ultimately bring no benefit.

True benefit lies in finding peace, love, affection, kindness, togetherness, and appreciation. It's about acknowledging others' efforts, appreciating achievements, and accepting life as it unfolds.

The universe never tells us to stop striving. It encourages us to keep trying and explore new avenues. After all, life attracts life. We receive what we put out. We get what we sow. Ultimately, it's us giving up before giving it our all. It's us letting others hold us back.

Effort, not external validation, is the key to self-improvement. Unity strengthens us. You have the power to sculpt a beautiful life. Look back on your journey with pride and say, "Damn, I've come so far! Every step was worth it." Take a deep breath and savor the accomplishment.

© Suh