

Crazy life(pt.35)
This is a fictional story of a girl who conveys her stories to you through her diary
Crazy life(pt.35)
(A few more days go by and Sarah and Rachel get selected for the recital.)
Dear diary,
Today we had our first dance practice. I went early to the dance room, so I could do some stretching alone…I thought no one would be there, but to my surprise when I opened the door ……… Sam.
‘Hi…umm should I come back later…umm’ I said awkwardly……’ No…I mean…if you want to..umm’ he replied….’oh..ok ..ya I’ll just stretch’ I said and left my bag down and joined him as he was too doing some stretches. Things were very awkward between us from the time I had come back. I just had to clear this out ….so I said ‘Hey…umm…I don’t …..I don’t like you anymore’...he showed a confused face which soon turned into a slightly relieved face he said ‘OHHH ok …ya that’s good..umm like good but also bad…no wait it’s good ig?...’
‘Sam…sam…chill I got it..’ I said. After some time we started talking…and then well the awkwardness calmed down…so I asked him, ‘From when have you been dancing?’
He stuttered and said ‘You know…now and then…I dance too…Anybody can dance’. So I asked him to show me some moves….and well …..he was good. ‘Okay, does this have anything to do with Rachel?’ I asked ‘Do you still like her’….this was his reply….
‘What….no …I don’t like her….that was long back…no never’.
Ya,....... he loves her. I have made it my goal to get them back together.
Anyway…….the practice went quite good….I’ll see you tomorrow