Story of Cadaver
'Story of Cadaver'
Chapter 01
(Enter the hall)
Hello reader, I'm a medical student (medico) and its my first narrative, as people says, first try won't be perfect always. But i try my best to convey it.
So when I'm studying in my first year med degree, we have a class compulsorily to attend and we call that dissection period or class.
Dissection means to cut open and visualise, and i only heard dissection of human body only in cinemas that too...
Chapter 01
(Enter the hall)
Hello reader, I'm a medical student (medico) and its my first narrative, as people says, first try won't be perfect always. But i try my best to convey it.
So when I'm studying in my first year med degree, we have a class compulsorily to attend and we call that dissection period or class.
Dissection means to cut open and visualise, and i only heard dissection of human body only in cinemas that too...