

Cog in the Machine
I walked along the massive buildings, just trying to exist. My name is unimportant; my sorrow more so. I didn’t want to run into any other people, they didn’t have their strange looks. I didn’t want to know what the others are thinking, either.

To say that I’m having difficulty adjusting to this new reality is an understatement. One day, we all woke up and our thoughts were being displayed over our heads. The media can’t explain it, although there are plenty of conspiracy theories running over time period some thought it is something religious; others convinced it is the work of aliens. The reasons are honestly useless to me. I just want to exist in peace, and do the things I’m supposed to do.

It was a dreary autumn day, it had been raining on and off. People were walking around with their umbrellas, with random phrases above their heads. Over their umbrellas, there were phrases and statements such as “Pick up cat food” or “Text Eric and tell him to go to hell”. I didn’t know what I was displaying, but I didn’t really care. All I needed was to go to the Social Security office for an appointment.

A man approached me. His thought was dollar signs. He said he had an offer for me. If I could think about Pepsi while being out and about, I could get cash for doing so. I thought to myself “Greedy idiot”. He backed off and said “Sorry, ma’am. Have a good day”. His thought was “She won’t make it”.

The violence has gotten out of control period the government has imposed lockdowns, with occasional days of “freedom”. Things like groceries and other needs are delivered to closed doors, so that misunderstandings can be avoided. The supplies are starting to get lower, though, as factory workers are getting into fights. Don’t even ask about the state of most marriages and friendships…they are practically nonexistent.

I finally made it to the Social Security office. Somehow, in governmental buildings, the holographic thoughts don’t occur. You can’t see what other people are thinking. I thought to myself, “Why don’t they employ this all over the city?” A guard checked me over and I went through a metal detector.

Suddenly, allowed civil defense siren was wailing. There was a voice in our heads saying go outside. Everyone went outside. A huge holographic figure of Elon Musk appeared. He was in the sky, smiling at us benevolently, as if he was an ethereal angel or a god. He was speaking, yet his mouth didn’t move. His voice carried directly into our minds. Suddenly, we all froze. We could not move; it was as if all of our senses, thoughts, cells, and bodies belong to this massive holographic being that resides in the sky.

The Elon Musk figure started a speech. I don’t know if it was the same speech for all of us, or if it was tailored to each person.

“I apologize for coming to all of you like this. It wasn’t the intention. This was the way it had to be, though. The planet was hit by an asteroid months ago. We had the infrastructure in place with Neuralink and Starlink. We managed to use this combination for the collective, for the greater good, to preserve human consciousness. The reason you see everyone’s thoughts is because you are all connected, via Neuralink. A lot of the people that you see aren’t even real. You are in a perpetual dream state, to protect your minds. Your bodies exist but there are glitches in awareness and understanding. I am sure you all feel disjointed. There are only maybe 12,000 people worldwide that are remaining. You are all in a very delicate condition; that’s why things feel so strange. We were all chosen for specific reasons. We knew this would happen; We didn’t want the people to panic. I’ve been tinkering with the technology for many years. Leaders and computer scientists have been working around the clock, with guidance from artificial intelligence. Very slowly, you will start to remember your previous existence. This will be very complicated to do. Mental processes must be safeguarded; Your cognitive abilities must be intact to go into the new world. Please, do not be frightened this was inhumanities best interest, as we need to carry on. I am a new global leader. One thing to know, and have gratitude for you will never die. Nobody will ever die.”

Suddenly, we were able to move. At least, it seemed as if we were moving. Did I have a choice in this? Did I have love, was I loved? Who am I?

My name doesn’t matter. My thoughts don’t matter. To be honest, nothing matters; I am merely a cog in a distant reality. I probably didn’t have a choice to be here. I will not be able to die, to experience emotion, or enjoy a lunch in the park. Are souls this easily harvested?

#ThoughtCity #shortstory

© heidilore