

🥰LoveWard 🤪
I sat there in the break room of the psych ward I was in. Playing Dominoes with the old man who chants Bible verses to himself all day. It's been his turn for 30 minutes. I just sat there in my chair and finally looked up at the news and watched the weather that I couldn't feel on my skin. The world is going to hell in a handbasket. Tears started falling down my face thinking I'm stuck here forever. 6pm medicine time and I held my breath as I slipped the big blue and orange pills in my lips and swallowed with a paper cup of water. I proceed to go to my room. I heard some new people were coming tomorrow. I thought little of it. I fell asleep as the pills consumed my brain in the black tar of the pharmaceuticals took over then I went Out like a light. Woke up the...