

Did I?.... (Part 4 - The Finale)
Seated under a post broken hearted, dismayed, miserable and depressed because of being backstabbed by the one's I loved and confided in. They did not have a second thought in committing such a traitorous act. They were no more than murderers, terrorists and rapists. I blame myself for letting my guard down. I should have been more sharp-eyed. That being said, no one has the right to misuse friendship and trust. It leaves such a scar that one would take to their funeral.

I could not let that deal go through. I had to get my diamond back and confront them. I had 24 hours before I lost sight of my diamond forever. I had to make use of the 15 minute power shut down. I had to plan my every move with utmost precaution and accuracy. The slightest mistake would cost me my life and freedom.

It then struck me that Africa was filled with wildlife and in the event of an animal causing chaos they were put down with tranquilizers. I needed to get my hands on a gun and a couple of darts. My miner friend had friends in the reserve and promised to help me get a gun and darts. Later that afternoon I received the gun which they managed to smuggle in. They had also altered the drug in the darts making it safe to be used on humans. I was ever so thankful for their help. I had decided to carry out the ambush alone as I could not risk any of their lives.

Later that evening I positioned myself close to the entrance and moved in once the guards had gone off on their break. I had to wait for a couple of hours to get past the next set of guards. I realised that I had to tranquilize them to avoid any trouble once in. Once these guards returned from their break I quickly sprung into action and tranquilized them. Being alone tying the guards up was not easy. I had 2 hours to complete my mission.

I found my way inside the house during the power cut. In the silence of the night and without any hesitation I took both of them out. As per plan, I tied them up in different rooms. Now I just had to wait for them to wake up. I was told the drug would wear out in 30 minutes. I used this time to look around the house for the diamond but knew he was not so dumb to keep it in plain sight. Meanwhile the lights came on. I had to play the waiting game.

They woke up but a little later than expected. I had a little over an hour to get out with the diamond. They were both blindfolded. I unfolded my friend's blindfold and sat in front of him. I could see the look of horror on his face. He was dumbstruck and at a loss for words. I savoured that moment. He looked around and I immediately understood who he was looking for. I let out a small smirk.

I did not have time to play games. I cut straight to the chase. I asked him about the diamond and demanded it right away. I always knew him as a person who would not budge that easily and nothing was different now. I had to play my trump card. I went to the room that she was in and undid her blindfold. She gave me the same look as he did. I asked her about the diamond and she too reacted in the same way. My heart filled with anger of the betrayal that clouded my thoughts. I immediately took a knife and pointed it at her. She sat motionless. My anger got the better of me as the fear of time played in my mind. I asked her once again at the top of my voice but she did not glitch. I ran out of patience and cut off her little finger. She screamed in pain and agony. Reaching out for a piece of cloth, I immediately stuffed it into her mouth and walked slowly to the room he was in with her finger and the knife covered in her blood. He was shaking when I entered the room. He could not take his eyes off the knife. I asked him once again for the diamond or he would meet the same fate. I felt like a different human being. I now knew what being a savage felt like.

His lips trembling he directed me to the restroom. In the mirror cabin was the diamond, hidden with all his medicines in a bottle. When I searched through the medicines, there in the cabin I found a bottle of Benzodiazepines ( drug that causes partial amnesia). I took it and went straight to the kitchen, found a bottle of whisky, emptied some out, filled it with a little of the Benzodiazepines. It was my time to give them a taste of their own medicine but needed a few more questions answered. I had a couple of minutes in the bank.

With his hands still tied and the knife at his throat, I took him into the room she was in. Seating him on a chair beside her I shot all the questions I had within me over the last few days. By the time I was done, I was out of breath. She squealing in agony and he traumatized was exactly how I felt when I was the victim. He then told me that she was his fiancee before becoming my wife. After seeing the kind of money involved in mining diamonds he too wanted to be a mining king but did not have the means. The only way to live his dream was through this diamond. He planned all of this after I told him I was going to lock this diamond in a safe till I found the right buyer and that my wife would be entitled to a share and have access to the safe. My so called wife could not find a way out and so had to fake her death. He alongwith the help of the local police had fabricated her death and had left her pendant with her finger prints on it on the burnt corpse. He did not mind giving up a part of the money he had to have me locked up and out of their way.

He then told me that they had a partnership with some of the mining officials and government bureaucrats who had invested over 100 million euro. After selling the diamond, he would have invested 200 million euro which would entitle him to 70% of the profit by exporting the diamonds world over. His plans has now been squashed as I was still free and in Africa. He tried negotiating a new deal with me promising to give me a share in the profits. I was shocked to hear all that had transpired behind my back. I told him that I would have gladly given him the money he wanted, had he asked me for it rather than having put me through this betrayal and traumatic ordeal. Still in agony and bitter tears flowing down her cheeks, she finally understood the pain and suffering I had undergone.

I recollected those haunted nights I had slept amongst the homeless, stayed hungry and in hiding, deserted, scared, stranded and the trauma the partial amnesia caused me. The hurt of being betrayed was so deep that I did not have the heart to forgive them for all the misery they caused me. Emotions and moral values were of no meaning to them, it was only money that mattered. I forced the whisky down their throats and left the premises. I had to tranquilize the guards at the entrance.

Keeping the diamond with me was like holding a ticking time bomb - anything could happen. I had to get rid of it at the earliest. I posted an advertisement online and within a couple of hours received a reasonable offer for it. I readily agreed and assured him delivery in a couple of days. He accepted under one condition, that half the payment be made now and other half after delivery. It sounded like a good deal. Shortly I received 200 million euros into my bank account and despatched the diamond to him in utmost confidentiality.

To bring my plan to fulfilment, I swiped my card to check the balance. This action of mine brought my hometown police to my doorstep in less than 24 hours. I pleaded for an opportunity to prove my innocence with the help of the local mining people. With permission from the African Government, the African police, the officers from my country and I entered my friend's mansion. There they found my wife, who was declared dead, alive. My friend and my wife were unaware of what was happening as they were experiencing partial amnesia. Once the word got out that they were about to be arrested all hell broke lose. The mining officials and the government felt betrayed as their investment of the 100 million euros were lost. They could neither stay back in Africa nor return to our country because of their treacherous act.

Finding myself aware of the hardships in the lives of the mining labourers, how could I leave them in these pathetic conditions? Was I selfish and heartless? Definitely not. I realised that 200 million euros would change their world. With an ever willing heart, I contributed the amount to a fund for their upliftment - food to feed their hungry and means to educate their children. Their joy knew no bounds and we celebrated our happiness that night. I returned home 200 million euros richer and a happy, content and renewed man.

" For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Value Friendship and Trust (True Diamonds)..

I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for patiently reading all the parts of Did I?.. and passing on your valuable feedback. This will truly help me in my future endeavors as a writer...😁😁 Thank You...!!