

The Judgement
Sweat drips down his cheeks, he tries to explain the reason but he keeps quiet. He already knows that what he did is going to make him lose his job but he didn't have any choice. Atleast he put his all but..Now you might be wondering, who is he? What he did that he is going to lose his job? Have a little bit of patience, please continue reading. He is just a representative of the middle class men. He works at a clerical post of a small company. One day, his 12 years old son is found lying senseless on the ground! He loves his son very much, after knowing about the incident, he run to home and  immediately takes him to a hospital. Doctor examines the boy and admits him immediately. After doing some tests, he says that the boy has cardiac tamponade issue.It's a disease where fluid accumulate in the heart and if not treated it might lead to death. He breaks down to tears and requests the doctor to cure his son. Doctor says that it's a very rare case and the equipment needed and the operation cost is very much. He asks how much? Doctor replies it depends still whole procedure might cost a few lakhs!! He becomes spellbound, his monthly income is 5k and his fix deposit isn't enough for the treatment. He requests the doctor that he can't bear that much cost, doctor says there is nothing he can do, even of he doesn't take any O.T. fees, still equipment cost is far more. He also warns that, operation should be down within 24 hours or it could be fatal for the boy! He thinks a lot and go to his boss and requested for the money. His boss immediately rejects his pleas stating due to his lower post, company can't give him that amount of money! He keeps on pleading but it is in vain. He tries to arrange the money from everywhere but he fails.. He becomes so desperate that he decides to steal the money from the office!! His company is a small scale corporation so most of the dealings are done by liquid cash. The money is kept in the vault of his boss's room. As, he is a clerk, he often has to go to his boss's room to bring files. He waits till the office end and he tells his boss that he has some audit left to do that is needed to be done. His boss seems annoyed cause he has to left the office a bit early. He gives him the key and says ," Finish the job and deposit the key to the guard." You may think wait, he gives him the key that easily!! I will tell you, yes it's that easy cause who will ever suspect that obedient 'serveant' like them who works not only 9 to 5 pm but overtime without pay, no matter how you treat them, they will carry out the order without any questions to maintain the job no matter how less the salary is!! He enters the boss's room and stand in front of the vault.. He knows he can't survive cause they will find him out easily after stealing the money and he will loose his job! Still he decides to steal for the sake of his son. His boss doesn't know that one day he accidentally enters the room when his boss was opening the vault! His boss scolded him for entering without knocking but meanwhile he saw the pass code! He opens up the vault and picks up cash bundles and immediately leaves the room!! He leaves the office after depositing the key to the guard and goes straight to the hospital. Next day, his boss comes to the office and opens the vault to take out some cash for bill payments then he sees the money he kept for payment is not there!! He immediately asks the guard and comes to know that noone left the office after that man whom he told to deposit the key to him! His boss immediately informs the police and gives the man's address.. Police goes to his house and arrests him. He accepted the allegations!! When his boss slaps him and asks about the money he thinks to explain but than decides to remain quiet. He has no guilt now, in the morning his son's operation is successfully done, doctor says that if he did more late his son could have died!! His boss fires him from the job and  he already knows this will happen.. When he is sitting in his cell thinking about what his son is doing, he never sleeps without him from the day his mom died! He raises him both as a father and a mother..Then in a club, his boss is chilling with some clients!! He is describing how a clerk tries to steal money for greed and he manages to catch him and why people shouldn't be greedy  while sipping the  20 years oldwine he  just bought, 5k a bottle!! While talking, he sees a beautiful pen in one of his junior colleague's pocket. He asks him to show the pen, the pen is a monte blanc and a expensive one..He keeps the pen in his pocket saying it's looking better in my pocket!! The junior requests him to return it cause it's a gift from a client and he will buy him another one.. But the boss ignores him and leave the club with that pen!! In the car while returning his boss is looking at the sky and cherishing the moon's beauty and the clerk also tried to see the moon, but the rods of the cell prevent him to see beyond...
Well, it's one of my personal favourites, if you are reading this long let me know if you like it or not..Any suggestions, let me know that too..

© Soumyadip