

Jeeves And The Unwanted Dog. A novel by Markus Sixtenstam.
Chapther 1. An unspected guest.
This morning i was so tired. I only wanted to sleep. Then Jeeves came in with my tea. Say what you Will about tea, but it helps sometimes to think.
And I was indeed in need to think.
My aunt Agatha was angry at me for not wanted to help her to watch Her dog bartolomeow. Funny name on a dog.
But there you have it in a nutchell.
So i was trying to get a new plan to avoid this job.
Jeeves i said when i had take a sip on The tea.
Yes Sir?
Im in hell Jeeves.
Are you sir?
Yes Jeeves. In a bottomless hell.
May i ask sir why?
You May Jeeves. I have been asked to
Take care of aunt Agatha dog Jeeves.
Indeed Sir?
Yes Jeeves. Can you help me with that.
NO Sir i am afraid.
Not that answer you want to hear when you feel like you are in hell.
© Mark