

A Lie Story
Truth and Lie was decided to see.
Lie said to truth,
I will come to your land first. Truth was invited to the land of him.when the Lie came the land of Truth he feel that the land of Truth was astonished. He wanted to stay in that place for the time being.
But how?
Lie have to see the Truth first. It was not difficult to find the truth for the time being in the land of Truth.
At the very sight, the Lie was envious of the Truth, because the clothes that the Truth was worn were beautiful. Truth accepted the Lie with courtesy and sat in the house.
At the time Truth and the Lies went to the land.
Excited to see a pond Lie and he wanted to down in it .. The Truth made it possible.
Truth got out of the pool and took off all the clothes he was wearing.
When Truth went to the pool, took all the clothes he had untied, and ran to Lie. The Truth is, sitting in the pool, unable to come out in shame. Lie began to descend among the crowd, dressed as like Truth. A group of people turned their backs on time, that without realizing that the truth is in the pond. The people who had not yet looked back were following in Lie's footsteps. Truth was still struggling to shy away from the pool. And the guilt of not teaching them to recognize that he is the truth. It is a shame that they recognized me only because they were outside.. !


© Lucky💢charm💢