

The world of two faces....!

We believe that friendship is something that is pure and trustworthy but what if the friendship you cherish for a long time comes to an end with a strong lesson to not “trust anyone”?
Let it be friendship or a romantic relationship, trust is the most important bridge which connects the both. What if the trust is broken? Is it possible to rebuild the broken bridge? Hmmm may be yes it is possible but will the same level of understanding and love continues?
There was once a girl who liked a girl when she saw her for the first time and became her close friend. Ok let us have an imaginary name… let the two girls name be- Jasmine and Rose. Jasmine was innocent and had no friends except Rose. She trusted her blindly and was happy that finally she befriended such a good friend. In such a short span of time they became so close and the old friends of Rose started to backbite bad about Jasmine saying that she have such a bitchy attitude and separated them from Rose.
But Jasmine blindly trusted Rose. She even helped rose to study well but turns out that Rose never considered Jasmine as a true friend and betrayed her and went back to her old form and gossiped about Jasmine. Finalllyyyy…. The thorn in the Rose actually worked well… Jasmine was devastated as she never opens up easily and had no one who understands her but she thought that Rose was really considerate about her but it turns out that it was all nothing but fake….
What it is going to cost you to be truthful to the person who trusts you? The only mistake they do is to trust a person who at the end breaks the trust and leaves them shattered. Like honestly why do people leave you when all you do is love them, care them and being good to them? Both friendship and love stays only when the bridge of trust remains unbroken…. if it’s broken once… you can never fix it to its old form.

© Dharmasamvardini GS