

The worst experience in my life
Finally the day came , the day I was or the day we went waiting for , my best friends birthday ! After graduation we could not meet each other due to studies and work. My best friend and I held many meetings in the nearby cafeteria and parks but later we could not get time. So, we thought of meeting each other on Sundays at our houses but we still couldn't. So , the last plan was to meet each other on any upcoming occasions, which was her birthday. But the problematic part was that it was monsoon season.

But I couldn't wait more . I got dressed up in the most beautiful gown which I could find in front of my hand, I got ready and took a step out of my house, with an umbrella. But I rememberd it was raining and I had wore a white embroidered dress. The moment the thought caught up in my mind, a car came swiftly and splashed all the dirty water on me and left. I had no other option but to return back to my house and change. This time I took all the precautions and return back to the bus stop. After all the hullabaloos in my mind about the recent incidents , I got up on the bus and left . I told the conductor my stoppage but he started giggling. I asked him, “ What happened? ” . He regained some seriousness and told me , “You are on the wrong route . To reach your destination you have to take bus from the opposite route . ” I looked out and realised my mistake. He told , “ But you have to give money , I won't let you leave if you don't give me the money. ” I said , “ Yes , yes , I will give you, no need to worry . ” So , after all these time I successfully wasted both my precious things, time and money. Now , I took another bus , but , this time from the opposite route. So , I was sure I was going on the correct route. I gave the money to the conductor and told my stoppage . This time another calamity struck my head , he told that I was ou the wrong BUS ! So, I got down , successfully wasting both my time and money again , I took the correct bus this time and reached the stoppage . I reached her house and rang the bell , but the biggest calamity struck my head this time . Someone else opened the door ! I asked him about my best friend, he said , “ She has shifted a long time back . I don't know where she lives now. You call and ask her.”I said, "Thank you." and left . I called her again and again , but she didn't answered to my calls. I started panicking . Finally, she called back . She said , “Yes , tell where are you ? You have left your house a long time back. Why haven't you reached here yet?” I told her the long story and asked her current address , she said, “ Oh! It's my fault only. Sorry! I will be messaging you my address soon!” I couldn't get time to speak and she cut off the call .

She send me her address , through which I finally reached her house . But unfortunately I was soo late that I couldn't get my piece of cake as I had arrived around the time of dinner . But, after all these calamities I got some gala time with my best friend which gave me some relaxation.

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© Tabashmi Barman