

Knowing a Stranger (part 8)
I was having a special class today.So I was late to return from there.Suddenly I remembered that I've to meet Jooan.
'oh my god its one hour almost .he'll be tired of waiting .I ran after my class and got a taxi and reached our spot.But I could see no one.

''you're late''
''oh my god! you scared me''
''Its one hour''
''oh I'm sorry ..I was having special class and I forgot to inform you..
wait,why did you tell me that you dont have phone?''
''Its just--I'm not interested..thats why
''You Are Really--''
''Different ,I know I am''
I was glancing at him.
''I was not like this at all .This is not what I was,before everything got changed .
I was curious .
''why are you not having friends ?and didnt you tell your story to anyone else?''
''No.I haven't .there was no one who could understand me well''
''Then why me?..oh..I mean...you're really interested sharing everything with me?''
''I have no answer for the question of yours.Actually I dont know ,there is something else ,like it was attracting me towards you.But I was scared.''
''Jooan ...Have you seen me before?''
He raised his head and looked into my eyes .it was turning glassy .silence filled there for seconds.
''More than ..what you think''