

Sincere Appeal
30 July 2021.
Welcome to Jawahar Lalla Blogs Page.
You can also connect with me @ jawaharlalla blogs page on FB & Instagram Ig: JBLwrites & Twitter: Jawahar 7
Today in my blog I am putting a sincere appeal to all my readers reading this blog.
As we all are familiar with for the past few days there have been heavy rains in Maharashtra & Konkan districts, which stemmed from floods.
This natural catastrophe has disturbed & encompassed the daily life of residents staying there very badly.
The Central Government, State Government, and various NGOs are redoing their best. But as per the news from various sources, the damage/loss that has occurred is beyond our compassionate ingenuity.
I feel if we all donate something thru the right channels to ensure our donation in whatever way is possible reaches these affected areas & their affected, citizens.
With Humble Request @Jawahar Lalla #jawaharlalla#jawaharlallablogs#Instagram Ig: JBLwrites#appeal#, donations.

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