

Mera Ishaq
LOVE is that in which a person forgets even his/her own self, all that remains is that the person i have fallen in love with i just have to get it. I have seen many people in my life who get crazy in love... I did also love in my life but the way of method is different then others.
I was in Eleven grade when i fell in love with someone,believe me I didn't even know the x_y_z of love, i didn't know why and how it happens actually i didn't even know anything about it.
Bu perhaps to understand all of this i need to fallen in love with someone, but here i'm going to clear one thing is that my love was one_sided, and i wasn't at all sad about why he doesn't love me because in this life you can buy everything with money but couldn't love. And then i sever taught to myself i wish i had never been in love and if i had why it was unreachable. Sometimes i would cry silently at night, but i never let anyone know from my face how my inner state was going.
His love had overwelmed my senses day & night it had become my habit to just keep thinking about him.
I didn't beg him for my love in front of him, no did i like some people.,write his name on my wrist with a blade, i think that people who hurt themselves in love is not actually love but stubborn.
My love is absolutely pure, and then over a time i completely arrested on his love.
I don't know where he is and how he is but my love is still alive for him,and it will probably live on forevere,because neither love you do of your own free will and nor can you voluntarily leave that person who has settled in your blood.
With the passage of time i realised this is not love, this a last stage of love which we called 'ISHAQ'