

“My Spiritual Awakening” 2012
My True feelings is in this story. it’s a must share moment for me. This was exactly when my life was saved and changed. Thank you Lord!!!!

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This was the day God shined his light on me, cleansing my soul, and all my fears to begin a brand new journey. So please follow me as I bring you on the special journey of peace and calmness that overcame me on this particular day.

I found my boyfriend passed away in his sleep on July of 2012 and being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness shortly after - I found myself spiraling into despair. Instead of seeking help, I turned to alcohol to numb the pain, avoiding counseling or support altogether. Slowly, the weight of my grief and fear became unbearable, and I found myself unable to even function at work. I lost my job and was on a world, wind of trouble.
It wasn't until a much-needed intervention that I began my journey of having a spiritual awakening. I vividly remember the turning point: I was invited to go sit with a lady to do a meditation session when sitting in a room where music was playing it recreated the sounds of a safari, resonating with my love for African wildlife. As I closed my eyes and immersed myself in the music, a vision unfolded before me.

In my mind's eye, I saw myself as a lioness, running freely through the jungle with my playful cubs by my side. We raced through the lush vegetation, joyfully exploring our surroundings. However, as the sun began to set and the sounds of crickets filled the air, a deep sense of peace washed over me. It was a gentle reminder that even the mightiest lion needs rest and respite, signaling that it was time to seek solace and rejuvenation.
In that moment of clarity and connection with nature, I realized the importance of embracing vulnerability, seeking healing, and allowing myself to rest and recharge. It was the beginning of my profound spiritual journey, guiding me towards self-discovery, inner peace, and a newfound strength to face life's challenges with courage and resilience.

As the music quickened, the scene unfolded into a new day in the jungle, urging us to resume our journey. We darted through the thick undergrowth, evading the watchful eyes of prowling hyenas. One by one, my cubs were separated from me, their playful presence dissipating as the music gradually slowed once more. In the quietude, the chirping of crickets filled the air, signaling a moment of pause and reflection.
In the distance, a majestic African tree emerged, its sprawling branches reaching towards the sky. I made my way towards it, seeking solace and shelter under its protective canopy. Gazing up at the sky, a solitary star caught my eye, its radiant light seemingly illuminating me from above. As I sat beneath the tree, a profound sense of connection washed over me.

In a surreal moment of clarity, I saw myself in both realms - as the lioness in the vision and as my physical self seated beneath the tree. Tears welled up in my eyes uncontrollably, a torrent of emotions cascading down my cheeks.

It felt as though a weight had been lifted, releasing a darkness that had clouded my being.
As the music swelled once more, a sense of divine presence enveloped me. The lioness, now named Corrina, and I shared a poignant glance before she vanished into the ether, leaving me to ponder the significance of this spiritual encounter. Was it a sign of divine intervention, a cleansing of my soul, and a symbolic new beginning illuminated by a higher power?
In that transformative moment, I felt a profound sense of rebirth and renewal, as if God's light had indeed shone upon me, guiding me towards a path of healing, forgiveness, and newfound purpose. It was a sacred moment of awakening, marking the start of a new chapter in my spiritual journey towards wholeness and inner peace.

As the music swelled once more, propelling us forward on our journey, we pressed on until we reached a towering cliff that seemed impassable. From this vantage point, I beheld a breathtaking sight: on the other side, a multitude of African animals - lions, tigers, giraffes, and more - stood united, cheering me on in a chorus of support and encouragement.
In that profound moment, a realization washed over me like a gentle breeze: life is a journey fraught with loss and heartache, yet it is also a tapestry woven with love, resilience, and the unwavering support of those who cheer us on from afar. Despite the pain of losing those we hold dear, we are never truly alone. We have a tribe of family, friends, and kindred spirits rooting for us, urging us to persevere and continue moving forward, no matter the challenges we tace.

With this newfound understanding, l embraced the wisdom that life's trials and tribulations are a part of our shared human experience. Each step we take, each obstacle we overcome, is a testament to our strength, courage, and capacity for growth. As I stood at the edge of the cliff, surrounded by the collective energy of the animal kingdom and the unseen spirits of my loved ones, I felt a deep sense of gratitude and purpose.
With their unwavering support echoing in my heart, I took a deep breath, gathered my resolve, and with a renewed sense of determination, I stepped forward into the unknown. Guided by the collective cheers and love of those who stood by me, l embraced the journey ahead with faith, hope, and the understanding that no matter what challenges may come, I am never alone in this beautiful, complex dance called life.
© corrinaw 2024