

|| The Unusual Town Of Karlsplatz ||


This story revolves around the town of Karlsplatz, where everyone from children to elderly lived their blissful life in happiness and peace. There was a serene gaiety that reflected from everyone's face. With no differences between the poor and the rich, all helped each other at the time of need. The whole town was a happy place and it itself signified a symbol of luck. The town of Karlsplatz was a bit unique, and some things leave us speechless. It had a unique time-zone. Every odd years (say 1787, 1793, and so on), it had twenty hours of night time, and every even years ( say 1788, 1794, etc.), it had twenty two hours of day time, of a total of twenty four hours time.
Amidst all these happy lifestyle, one thing they had to suffer was that the water needed for everyday work was only to be accessed after a long 5-6 hours walk of obstacle to the old town of Bolzano, and no any other means. This made them depressed and wanted to find a solution to it. One day it happened that while a man from the town was asleep, he had a dream of a strange abandoned place on the eastern side of Karlsplatz, where no one goes because nobody returns from there, and if one dares to enter also, it turns them into statues, by the curse of an old hermit that lived centuries ago. This was an unusual dream and he didnot understand why he saw it. After arising feelings of curiosity, he went to the oldest library of the town, and came to know that there was actually a place that exists even at his time, called as 'Kongpoo', where various statues of differently shaped could be found. He decided to investigate further about the place.


(PART - I) (to be continued..)

© poonam_hzk