

When a Demon Got Her Wings
Katherine Anne was the sweetest girl one had ever met. She was the captain of the Alabama Greyhound cheerleaders. Katherine Anne had piercing blue eyes that turned a rainy day sky blue...everyone loved her...especially Bobby Joe. Bobby Joe was her boyfriend since third grade.
Katherine Anne and Bobby Joe were unseperable. The couple was about to graduate with honors from their high school...when tragedy struck their small Alabama town.
Bobby Joe and Katherine Anne took a detour to obtain some illegal substances for their graduation party next week. The pair drove to their usual pot dealer that they had secretly for over four years.
Bobby Joe seemed ampted up. He grabbed his shot gun from the back of the old Ford pick up truck.
Katherine Anne sat in silence until she heard the blast of the shotgun engulf the entire sound barrier she sat in. Bobby Joe ran to the truck.Bobby Joe had sweat streaming from every pore on his being...and he held a large black duffle bag in one hand, a steaming, freshly shot 12 gage in the other. She said not a word as tears fell from her heart into her eyes.
Katherine Anne's life would be changed forever.
Justice came for that drug dealer who sold to kids...Bobby Joe was put to death...and he went to Hell...for eternity, but God knew, Katherine Anne had no role in his stupidity.
Katherine Anne was put to death, and sent to Hell, but God intervened, and gave her her wings. She is a good soul, with the wrong love for a bad man.
God forgave only her, and flyed home to be with all of her loved ones once again. One should watch out who they associate with, for God is always watching us...forever and beyond...one only pure love in our hearts will be beating beyond....God bless you all.
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