

17. Doctors office
Mia's P.O.V

It was 9am and I was getting ready to go to the Gynecologist to have my virginity test I was scared but I know I'm a virgin I know I didn't have sex with that monsters.

Perl wanted to accompany me but I told her I would rather go alone.I was on my way to the doctors office. I know I didn't sleep with Dominic. I can feel it. I'm sure I didn't sleep with him and the doctor would tell me that I'm a virgin.

Finally I'm here. It's time for me to find out the truth. I was laying in a hospital dress waiting for the doctor to come. The door opened revealing a tall handsome guy. He's a fairy. I can sense it.

"Good Morning Miss Resinova how are you?"

"I'm ok I guess you're Mr.Thomas"

"Yes but I'm afraid I have to run out. My wife is in labor and I have to go. My colleague would replace me. I assure you she's one of the best Gynecologists"he said in a hurry then he left.

Five minutes later the next doctor came in and she had a friendly smile on her face. She seems nice.

"Hello Miss Resinova I would be replacing doctor Thomas today I am doctor Xinn"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Doctor Xinn"

"The pleasure is mine, are you ready?"

"Yes I am," I said with confidence.

"Ok please lay down and open your legs" she instructed.

She then inserted a finger in me. I squeezed my eyes shut. It's kind of uncomfortable, oh my look what I have to do because of that bitch Dominic.

This is so weird she basically fingered me oh I feel so dirty I know she's only doing her job and she did explain what she would have to do but I still feel dirty.

"Ok Mia, are you ready to hear your results?" She asked


"Well Mia I'm afraid you're not a virgin"

"You're lying I don't believe you"

"Mia I'm afraid I'm telling the truth"

"You're lying I know you are go get away from me and it's princess Mianea only my friends call me Mia"

She left I know it's not her fault an I'm being a bit rude but I know that I'm still a virgin I know I didn't have sex with that monster maybe she made a mistake"

I teleported back to my car and drove back home. I don't know why I didn't teleport here in the first place. Now I have to drive back home. I hate driving when I'm sad.

Finally I'm home. I teleported to my room and lay in my bed. I know I'm a virgin, maybe that doctor really made a mistake but father told me she was one of the best.

The door to my room opens revealing Perl she wasn't wearing her maid uniform. I guess it's her day off or something.

"Hey honey how did it go"

"That's stupid doctor said I wasn't a virgin I think she made a mistake Perl"

"You know there's another way you can find out"

"How?"she smiled at me. Oh no I know exactly what she means but what if he doesn't want me what if he doesn't even want to touch me.

"Call Dimitri up and tell him if he wants to know the truth sleep with you to find out"

"I don't know Perl"

"It's that or you go to another doctor"

"I don't want to go to another doctor"

"Well call Dimitri up hunny"

"Fine I will"

Dominic's P.O.V

"Did you finish the job?" I asked

"Yes I'm on my way back from it right now"

"What was her reaction when you told her she wasn't a virgin"

"It was priceless she said I was lying and she ask me to leave and I guess she teleport to her car then left"

"Good, poor little princess," I said while laughing.

"Goodbye boss" said Ace

I lay back on my couch and took a sip of whiskey. I had a big smile on my face. I am happy that she is freaking out right now.

I know she will find out soon that she's a virgin but it's fun to mess with her for a while. I hope she knows I'm not done with her yet.

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