

Allah Merciful
There was a young man in Bani Israel. He was such a disobedient, People got enough of that man and they threw him out from the village. Getting out of the village was worst for that man, as his death. After few days he had nothing to eat. Everyone have boycotted completely from him, no food reached him, no water reached him. Slowly, Slowly, he arrived near his death. When he felt death is upon him. Then he looked at his right, bot no one to be found. Then he looked at his left side but still, no one is there. Then very humble he raised his head towards the sky and said: O My Lord Rabb, who doesn’t decrease by forgiving and doesn’t increase by punishing. I have disobeyed you my entire life, everyone has left me. Please have mercy on my current condition, Please you do not leave me like this. I have heard from your pious people, that you are the most forgiving one, most merciful. Please don’t leave me like this. While repeating those words, he died. Allah Almighty said to Hazrat Musa Alaihi Salaam: “O Musa! one of my friend died in the jungle, make arrangement for his funerals and announce to all people, I will forgive them all who will attend his funeral.” Hearing this, People run towards him When they looked forward, he was the same one whom they have thrown out from village People said Ya Musa Alaihi Salaam, What are you saying, He is the Wali of Allah (Friend of Allah)? He is the one who we threw him out. From where he becomes a friend of Allah (Wali Of Allah). From where he got this rank (martaba). So Hazrat Musa Alaihi Salaam asked from Allah Almighty, Ya Allah! people are saying like this & you are saying like this. Then Allah Almighty said: “They are saying right and I am also saying right. Yes, he was like that before, as people said, but when death was upon him, he saw left then he saw right but no one was there. Then Humbly he looked at me (Sky).”
Pray at the time of death is not accepted. But Allah Almighty will do as he wishes.
Allah Almighty said to Hazrat Musa Alaihi Salaam: Musa! When he raised his eyes towards me with humility and humbleness, My mercy didn’t insist me to leave him like that, whom (when) every one left him. I swear on my respect Musa, If he had asked me to forgive the entire world at that time, on behalf of his tears I would have forgiven the entire world.
Man Like Karoon (Wrongdoer) was sinking into the earth but he was requesting to Hazrat Musa Alaihi Salaam for forgiveness, But Hazrat Musa Alaihi Salaam was saying hold him, hold him more. When he sinks completely into the earth, Then Allah Almighty told Hazrat Musa Alaihi Salaam: “Musa! Your heart was very hard, After hearing his pleads, you didn’t accept his pleads. I swear on my respect Musa, If he had asked me once then I would have taken him out from the ground. At least you have called me one, call me once. If I didn’t come then show your disappointment’s, you become my follower once, call me once.”
There was a singer in Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh Times, who used to sing and make bread, when he becomes old he can no longer sing, So people stopped listening to him. All his income stopped while sitting on Jannat UL Baki Burial Ground (Madina), he was saying to Allah Almighty: “Ya Allah! When I have a voice then I would get my bread. Now I can’t sing anyone, All my source of bread has gone Ya Rabb!. You are the most Compassionate one (merciful), please have mercy on my poverty. Please do arrangements for my survival.” Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh was sleeping in Masjid, When Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh heard a voice in his dream, “One of my servants is calling me from Jannat UL Baki, Go there for his help O Umar”. Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh immediately waked up and ran towards Jannat UL Baki without his Turban on head and without his shoes on his feet. That person was sitting in the shade of the tree and speaking to Allah Almighty, When he heard footsteps, he turn to find who it was Then he saw Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh. Then he said, there Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh is coming to beat me. He started to run. Then Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh said, stop stop, I didn’t come here by myself, I was sent here. So he asked who sent you here. Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh said “Allah Almighty, The One who you are talking To”. Hearing this, he got screamed and sat down there and said: “O My Lord Rabb! I have forgotten you my entire life, and I remembered you that for my needs and that and you have said Labbaik that time too.” Ya Allah! forgive me, then he screamed and died, Hazrat Umar Razi Allah Ta’aala Anh Prayed his funeral and buried him.”