

Revolt: Before school
"Meria!" I heard my mother call into my room, making me jump from my computer
"Yes..?" I asked cautiously, because she had that mom look on her face that was pure disappointment in your life choices.
You know the one.
"Did you sleep at all last night?" she asked, seeming tired just by looking at me
"Why on earth not?"
"Paranoia of cryptids,"
She sighed "Which one? I'll do something about it while you're at school."
"That thing? Really?" She asked, surprised
"I know. I know its stupid! But my brain doesnt care."
"Well, I'll deal with Paranoia. Say good morning to Hephaestus and Morpheus before you go,"
"Don't forget Nyx"
She smiled "Yes, Nyx too. I cant believe you already have a deity..."
"Yup, all grown up,"
I was glad to be ready for a deity. Our household had many shrines for a range of deities across many pantheons, but us kids didnt have any specific ones. That was advanced magik, but now that I was 16 and had been practicing for 10 of them, I was ready.
Nyx is a powerful deity. Zues is scared of her powerful. Shes a primordial deity, and mom was really worried when I said I thought she was sending me signs.
But I'm not dead yet! So I think its it's going well.

I hurried to get dressed, usual smokey eye and black lip look as I slipped on my t-shirt, yes, its MCR. Trust me, I've heard it all.
Then the fishnets and ripped jeans, and finally my jacket because it was cold out today.
I made sure no patches were falling off as I headed out of my room and to the bus stop, saying bye to mom and everyone else.