

IT TAKES TIME(Accomplishing your major purpose in life)
As a teenager, Jake knew his dreams very well and since he knew how to find happiness for his own life, there was no such thing as leaving other peoples dreams. His father's profession as a sales clerk wasn’t worthwhile due to the level of education he had attained. Unlike his fellow workers, Mr. Danso was holding just an S.H.S Certificate which befitted him a payment as low as his expenses and age could possibly be. Mr. Danso’s misfortune at his tender age was as result of his late parent’s poverty. Meanwhile, his intelligence regarding his educational background was beyond compare. Anyway, despite his adversity, he didn’t want his situation to affect his only son.
Mr. Danso went to great extent to ensure that his son would get the best education but Jakes suspicion that there might be better life for him than what he was living made him follow his own dreams and decided for his moments,leaving his father in a state of despondent.
Accomplishing his major purpose in life brought him a sense of fulfillment and since he was passionate for whatever he did, he knew success would follow. He had a natural flare for writing inspiring words. Doing what he loved got him working eagerly and since it wasn’t balanced, he was academically weak. Jake’s imperfection at the level of education exposed his failure leading a near rejection by his father.Mr. Danso nearly rejected his son not because of what he was doing; rather, for what kind of person he was. His mission was to give attention to his talent and bring out the best in him, but his father was never entertained by the myth that talent could also be the key to success.
His father’s painful moment was when he was invited to witness his son’s withdrawal over his previous disappointments as far as his terminal examinations was concern. At the headmaster’s office, he looked at Jake’s result slip in tears and his wife's death didn’t hurt him as much as to watch his only son fail in his academic pursuit.
The tears that flowed Mr. Danso's eyes as he knelt down worriedly to apologize on his son's behalf was so desperate but Mr. Kumi’s facial expression was just hopeless.
'' Am sorry Mr., the Board’s moments of deciding is imbued with a reason and we can’t tolerate any other apology as we mean every word'', said the Headmaster, being backed by the other authorities.
'' I believe there can be a change if my son is favored with a second chance'', Mr.Danso suggested in lamented.
Mr. Kumi giggled. He said,'' how many times will your son fail to plan? Jake was on probation for almost 4 months, hoping that something better could come out of him but nothing changed.The person he was yesterday is the same today, he can never get over his mistakes''.
Jake was startled by the Headmaster’s disappointing words, despite the fact that he was a confident and goal oriented person, he never felt disappointed and embarrassed as he stood in front of his father with his eyes looking down. He focused on one thing, a desire which he tried to please everybody with, the passion and determination of coming out successfully with his talent which made him a hero worship since his motivational manuscript grew the interest in almost all of the students. The incentive material that was produced by his knowledge and wisdom brought him favor; therefore, learning became an option not a necessity.
As he bent down his heard he wiped his tears and sniffed along. To be precise he was speechless.
'' I hope there is nothing there to sign,'' Jake’s father asked after he realized that his intention of trying to convince the authorities wasn’t effortful. They were so stern and nothing could change their decision.
'' Not really, everything have been taken care of '', Mr. Kumi replied.
'' Well then I guess we will leave,'' Jake’s father said and stood up in acrimony.
'' All the best,'' Mr. Kumi wished him well.
'' Thank you very much''.
'' You are welcome,'' the headmaster ended.
Mr. Danso walked out from the office and saw his son attempting to run. Jake felt ashamed and was so afraid that his father was going to be angry at him.Understsnding his son’s failure wasn’t easy, but then he had the feeling to draw him closer and console him despite his shortcoming.
'' Jake'', he motioned with a smile.
'' Dad am sorry,'' Jake said sobbing with at a far distance away from the father.
Since his father was a shoulder to cry on Mr. Danso called him to come closer.
'' Others are making their parents proud and am doing mine no good'', Jake continued sadly while being afraid to come near his father. After that sad statement, his father said, ‘it is okay my son, I am always ready to fail with you’’.
Eventually, Mr. Danso opened up his hands, Jake in that sad moment walked majestically and hugged his father. He broke into tears afterwards.
'' I made a choice for my thinking and it didn’t motivate me'', Jake said apprehensively.
The father feeling so emotional for his son’s unfortunate moment took his handkerchief and wiped the bitter tears. He said along, ‘you are never a failure there is always something which can be changed''.
'' But the headmaster said am a total wash out,'' Jake continued.
'' They are deceitful masters of extreme irresponsible; don’t give up so easily, after all your mind is not controlled by them''. Jakes father was proud of her son despite his shotcomings.
A beautiful and good father like Mr. Danso would never reject his son when his imperfection had exposed his failure. He was a human being and a God fearing man to be precise. He believed in the principles of God and the biblical concept that, to err is human and to forgive is divine. The job he engaged himself with had many advantageous results to come by. He had many motivational books at his disposal and not any a chance would he become idle while he knew there were books for him to read. The effort of struggling to become a book-lover despite his age helped him to be more controllable with his sons situation knowing his recent shortcoming is just an event not a process.
His late wife was definitely the best teacher he had ever met. She had a knack for making every subject apply to a child’s interest area. She said pegging all learning to a child’s interest area was the key to a good education.As a teacher,Jake’s mother was observant enough to recognize her sons interest so she tried to help him in making a right a decision, but unfortunately death could not allow her to continue with her good work.Jake’s mother died after he had completed J.H.S and that was probably his worst nightmare ever.
As a parent, Mr. Danso felt that he was failing because he had a son who had an energetic ''problem'' child who won’t study. Jake at the age of 15 stroked out with his own ideas on how to do things that would make him happy and he believed that he was going to make his father proud.

His father who recently was not happy with Jake’s ideas forced his son into education, and that brought his failure. Instead of discovering what his son’s passion was, so that he could find a away to direct every learning experience towards his child’s passion, he rather brought to his life a moment that didn’t favor him.Mr. Danso should have helped him out immensely by allowing him to explore his interest. God had instilled a passion in Jake, and the father didn’t have peace because he was fighting against it, and that would result in fighting against God.


A.T Acheampong