

I've been needing to talk to someone for a lil over a month now, thing is I have no clue what words can completely encompass what I need to talk about. I don't even understand them. I've felt lost most my life, like most people do...this is different. This is worse. I've tried reaching out to my friend but unfortunately life gets in the way. I guess it's asking too much to have someone come to you in your time of need, seeing as your needs are even foreign to yourself. I've been shattered to the core and tried to ask for help but this world's too busy to help. so I'm even more a shell of a person then I was before ...how is that possible?! I needed comfort so I accept anything to busy my mind yet it isn't working. everyone has problems. Feeling as if no one is there for you is a common theme in everyone's life so it's dumb to think I'd matter. I've been asking for help, I've been asking for company, I've been let down. but I guess we all are let down. The rational part of my head wants to see that I can't expect anyone to drop what they are doing for me but the emotion, hurting part wants to throw a fit. Others get to throw a fit n say exactly how they feel why am I muted. I've never been this empty before, I've never been this... raw.